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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Do You Want A Quick Increase In Karma?
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More Karma?
I’m talking about the good kind of course! Who wants an increase in bad Karma? Not me! And I’m sure you don’t? LOL. If, like me, you want a constant flow of good things in your life, if you want more happiness, more success and more love in your life, if you want to get rid of any bad Karma that is causing you problems, then carry on reading.
How To Do It
It’s very simple and it is one of the things that I advise for The Happy People. I usually advise them to do ‘one good act every day’. This is a quick and easy way to start to get rid of bad and start a flow of good Karma. You approach this in a few different ways. As you move through the day, you can look for people who may be having trouble and offer your help. You can can help somebody you know is having a problem. If all else fails buy a box of chocolate and give one to everybody you meet! This one can be a a lot of fun. Particularly when you tell them you like to ‘help’ people. As I said above, it is very simple. It sounds too simple to work, but it will. Believe me.
Here Is A Free Bonus
You will start to feel happier in yourself. This works at two levels. You get a flow of ‘feel-good hormones and feel happy. Also the person you are helping usually shows some form of appreciation. This gives you another flush of those ‘feel-good’ hormones and that means an even happier you. Not only will you feel hap.pier but most probably the person you help will be happier. Happiness rules.
The Big Picture
Just look at the many results you are getting here. Talk about multi-tasking, this single exercise is making you happy (and somebody else). Keeping doing ‘an act of kindness’ every day will increase the amount of happiness in your life. When you are happy, you bring happiness to the people you mix with and your family and your friends.
The Result
This increase in happiness has a knock on effect. You start to lead a better life. You help other people, you get rid of negative emotions like envy, greed and hatred. You live a good life and you behave in a good way.
Does that last paragraph sound familiar to you? It should do because that is the best way to pay off any debt of bad Karma and start a wave of good Karma that will wash through the rest of your life. With constant use you are making sure that you start your next life surfing on the crest of a giant wave of good Karma.
Is that what you want? The rest of your life to be better than your past life? Your next incarnation to be better than this life? Of course you do. Get started as soon as you can. Get out and do somebody a good turn, NOW!
Even More
Scientists have been studying the affect of ‘doing a good act every day’ and they found that it does work to make people feel happier. While experimenting on the idea, they found out that if you lumped it up, it worked even better. If you did ‘three acts of help’ every third day, it had a stronger affect than doing one eScientists have been studying the affect of ‘doing a good act every day’ and they found that it does work to make people feel happier. While experimenting on the idea, they found out that if you lumped it up, it worked even better. If you did ‘three acts of help’ every third day, it had a stronger affect than doing one every day. So, using this new method you can change your Karma and your life even quicker than you could before. I’m working on this revised method already. Love, peace and Happiness, Tommy.

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