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Friday, 9 October 2009

NEW! Free Tarot Reading

What does the future hold for you?
For most people the future holds many possibilities.
But which possibility do you aim for? And how do you make sure that the possibility that you choose will be the best possibility that you can have? And how do you make sure that that best possible possibility becomes a reality for YOU in YOUR life?
Let's find out.
I was talking to a few of my Happiness buddies and I came up with this.
My program always does everything possible to have as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into your life as you can handle (and you are going to learn how to do that). But here is my lesson for to-day:
You have to enjoy doing it. Getting as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into your life as you can handle is where you are going, it is your destination.
You, my friend must learn how to get as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into what you do to get there. The journey is as important to us as the destination.
Let me make sure that you understand this highly important lesson.
Most of us know how passing through an airport when going on holiday can turn into an absolute nightmare. You may have had an experience yourself. You will have heard about other peoples' nightmares. You may have seen the TV programmes about them.
Following the lesson I am talking about, you would want to have excitement, fun and enjoyment going to the airport, in the airport and on the plane.
You may not achieve this perfectly, but, you are going to have a lot of fun finding out how close you can come.
Think about how you can start using this lesson TODAY!
You don't have to look for something big. Try something simple.
Here is how I get started in a simple way.
It's a bright day. And warm for this for this time of year. I'm not going to waste it standing up on a smelly bus, getting thrown all over the place. I'll go out a bit earlier and walk into town. On the walk I'll pass at least 20 great coffee places. I'll drop into one. I don't know which one yet. I'll see how I feel when I'm out.
I know the workers in most of them and I'll share some friendly chat. Then I'll get my notebook out and start doing some planning. So simple. But as I write it, I'm feeling good already about the prospect.
Start the day in a simple way. Get that good feeling going and then you can start going for something bigger and more ambitious.
But let's get back on track.
What have I got planned.
I am a professional Tarot Reader. I am going to be putting readings up here on my blog for all of my friends. (Yes that means YOU. lol.)
You may be wondering how this fits in with the Better Life Now program but I will be telling you........
More soon lol

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