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Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Meditation 1

Meditation has been around for thousands of years. It has been a way of life for uncountable people. For just as long uncountable people have judged it to be nonsense. And they judged it wrongly. Tests have been done all around the world. The scientist have proven, past any reasonable doubt that it will work. Recent research has revealed that it can and does have a deep effect in promoting health, recovery from illness, and creating substantive changes in your life.
So it has been proven that it can completely change your life. So why doesn't everybody do it?
The answer is simple. There are thousands of different schools of thought out there.
Let me give you an example. Here is some advice from a Chinese Meditation Master:
'You can float up to heaven on a sea of wine.' And there are many masters who would regularly drink themselves senseless in order to achieve a meditation effect.
Can you imagine the deep effect in promoting health, recovery from illness, and changes in the brain that that believing that bit of bullshit advice could have?
Here in the U.K we are having a national crisis because of alcoholism. Teenagers are dying from the effects of alcoholic indulgence.
Other schools recommend leaving your family, friends and job and isolating yourself from the world.
Here is how many meditators meditate:
Focus your mind on a single word, phrase or sound. Repeat over and over. Some schools say to repeat it mentally, other schools advise you to say it out loud and other schools teach you to chant it out loud in a group.
Some methods may ask you to look at an image, others tell you to imagine an image in your mind.
Some groups have a nihilistic philosophy and others have a deeply traditional religious type of structure.
All of these schools, groups and methods work at some level. They will all have deep effects in promoting health, recovery from illness, and creating substantive changes in your life. But, and here it is a BIG BUT, some are better than others. But, and here it is another BIG BUT how do you find out which will be the best one for you?
That is easy. I'll tell you which one will work best for you.
Next time. lol

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