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Sunday, 4 October 2009

But, you may say, what does Arnold Schwarznegger have to do with me? And quite rightly so. What he wanted in life may not be you may want. So let me explain.
You may not want to become the King of the Bodybuilders. But you do want to be the best possible you that you could possibly be, don't you? Of course you do!
You may not want to be King of the Action Movie Heroes. But you do want to have the best possible life that you can possibly have, don't you? Of course you do!
You may not want to be the King of California. But you do want to get up every morning and pack as much fun, enjoyment and laughter into the day as you possibly can, don't you? Of course you do!
And Arnold is a man who has got and become and done everything that he wanted in life.
And this is what this is all about.
Not about what Arnold did.
Not about what I'm telling you to do.
Not about you what friends and family tell you that you should do.
WHAT you want!
What YOU want!
What you WANT!
And whatever you want to get, whatever you want to become, whatever you want to do, that is what you are going to get, become and do.
So why aren't already getting those things?
Either you don't have a plan or the plan is useless or the plan doesn't work.
Perhaps, because your plan is not working, you should try another plan. If you want to get all the goodies that make life so good then you have to get a plan that works for you.
If you can believe that, then you must try my plan.
When you do start using the plan you will find that it does work, it will work for you and you will enjoy every moment of it. Believe me.
So let's start to look at what you want.

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