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Plan for Fun Excitement Love Get more Health Wealth Happiness, End Depression Disappointment and Loneliness. Join the Happy People NOW

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Are you happy about the way your life is going?
Or do you feel as if you are going nowhere, your love life is just a laugh and your money situation gives you depression?
How would you like to build a new life? One that you would really love? A real, heart warming, fun filled life.
One in which you would start moving towards the things that you really want.
One in which you would have as much warm, close relationships and romance as you really want.
One in which you would all the results that you really want.
In short everything that you would love to have.
I have put together what I call the Better Life plan.
Here is a look at what our Better Life plan is. This plan will teach you how to move your life up to the next level. First of all let's look at what that next level should be, could be and will be. Obviously I can't deal with each new person personally. So please let me generalize at first. Just as a sample to show you. Do not be put off because this is only a test drive of the plan. You are going to find out how the plan will work, will work so easily and will work for you. You will learn how to use the plan. Then YOU and only you, yourself, will use the plan to make improvements in each and every area of your life.
Let's look at the plan itself for a moment. The plan is EEEZZZEEE. Understanding the generalised plan is as easy as understanding that you should put your socks on before your shoes. Using it for your own life is as easy as understanding that you should put your shoes on before you tie your laces. I have spent most of my life working on this plan. I have used it working with a few thousand people. It follows a simple logical path. The plan is perfect and if you apply it perfectly, it will give you perfect results. If you don't apply it perfectly, you will still get great results.If you only give some attention, you will still get good results. At it's hard level, it is about as hard as doing your favourite word puzzle. It is designed to get easier and easier as you use it. In NLP they call this a GENERATIVE model. It feeds on it's own power and gets bigger, stronger and better. You will not have to force it. There is a Master Level which you will hope to achieve more and more often. On these occasions you first find out what you want, then you work out where it will happen and then you put yourself there and just let it happen to you. It depends on you. How much do you really want all the goodies that life has for you? Notice above I said that you APPLY the plan, I did not say that you WORK at it. If you are trying hard, working at it or straining, you will be doing it wrongly. This is your chance. Do you want to take it?
Let's have a look at our look at our sample plan:
First you must get a clear picture of EXACTLY what you want.
Then you will learn to have a perfect understanding, a strong grasp on and a perfect control of our methods, techniques and tools. When you know these you will have a tremendous foundation. You can plant your feet firmly on this foundation. You can then build exactly the sort of life that you want.
You will be using any and all methods. Not only traditional time tested techniques but also the latest findings from universities all over the world.

I will be writing details, essays and articles about the plan over on my blog. The background to the plan and an essential part of the foundation is that you develop the mindset, beliefs and attitude that YOU can get a better life, that you are entitled to get a better life and that you are going to get that better life. Read the posts there and keep reading them. Saturate yourself with the material, absorb it into your belief systems and get ready to go. The blog is at:

Sunday, 25 October 2009

A great quote from a great man.

John Wesley, the co-founder of the Methodist Movement, said it all when he said:

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

Think about it, meditate on it and then try it

2 New Articles 25 Oct 2009

25th Oct 2009
I'm VERY busy getting our project up and running. The problems are that I am not very good on my computer. My posts on here do not give a good overall picture of all parts of the plan. It is hard for you to understand the actual plan because each post only shows a small part of the plan. I will be continuing to put articles on here. Butyou will get a better picture of the WHOLE plan if you also read my stuff on:

More soon

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The Better Life Plan

Here is a look at what our Better Life plan is. This plan will teach you how to move your life up to the next level. First of all let's look at what that next level should be, could be and will be. Obviously I can't deal with each new person personally. So please let me generalise at first. Just as a sample to show you. Do not be put off because this is only a test drive of the plan. You are going to find out how the plan will work, will work so easily and will work for you. You will learn how to use the plan. Then YOU and only you, yourself, will use the plan to make improvements in each and every area of your life.
Let's look at the plan itself for a moment. The plan is EEEZZZEEE. Understanding the generalised plan is as easy as understanding that you should put your socks on before your shoes. Using it for your own life is as easy as understanding that you should put your shoes on before you tie your laces. I have spent most of my life working on this plan. I have used it working with a few thousand people. It follows a simple logical path. The plan is perfect and if you apply it perfectly, it will give you perfect results. If you don't apply it perfectly, you will still get great results.If you only give some attention, you will still get good results. At it's hard level , it is about as hard as doing your favourite word puzzle. It is designed to get easier and easier as you use it. In NLP they call this a GENERATIVE model. It feeds on it's own power and gets bigger, stronger and better. You will not have to force it. There is a Master Level which you will hope to achieve more and more often. On these occasions you first find out what you want, then you work out where it will happen and then you put yourself there and just let it happen to you. It depends on you. How much do you really want all the goodies that life has for you? Notice above I said that you APPLY the plan, I did not say that you WORK at it. If you are trying hard, working at it or straining, you will be doing it wrongly. This is your chance. Do you want to take it?
Let's have a look at our look at our sample plan:
First you must get a clear picture of EXACTLY what you want.
Then you will learn to have a perfect understanding, a strong grasp on and a perfect control of our methods, techniques and tools. When you know these you will have a tremendous foundation. You can plant your feet firmly on this foundation. You can then build exactly the sort of life that you want.
You will be using any and all methods. Not only traditional time tested techniques but also the latest findings from universities all over the world

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Take a look at the link below.
The buzz phrases for us are
Before changing the game in technology, business, or culture, they first changed themselves. There's the actor who became a politician (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and the politician who became an entrepreneur (Arianna Huffington), not to mention an entrepreneur turned philanthropist (Paul Allen) and a philanthropist turned open source warrior (Mark Shuttleworth). The lesson seems obvious: Reinvent yourself, reinvent the world..
That's what we're all about 'first change yourself and reinvent a whole new life, a more desirable life and a better life for you.

I'm working on a long article giving an overall plan and map of everything that we are doing here. I'll post it soon as it's done.

If you scan down the page you will come to the part about our old friend Arnie.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Meditation 1

Meditation has been around for thousands of years. It has been a way of life for uncountable people. For just as long uncountable people have judged it to be nonsense. And they judged it wrongly. Tests have been done all around the world. The scientist have proven, past any reasonable doubt that it will work. Recent research has revealed that it can and does have a deep effect in promoting health, recovery from illness, and creating substantive changes in your life.
So it has been proven that it can completely change your life. So why doesn't everybody do it?
The answer is simple. There are thousands of different schools of thought out there.
Let me give you an example. Here is some advice from a Chinese Meditation Master:
'You can float up to heaven on a sea of wine.' And there are many masters who would regularly drink themselves senseless in order to achieve a meditation effect.
Can you imagine the deep effect in promoting health, recovery from illness, and changes in the brain that that believing that bit of bullshit advice could have?
Here in the U.K we are having a national crisis because of alcoholism. Teenagers are dying from the effects of alcoholic indulgence.
Other schools recommend leaving your family, friends and job and isolating yourself from the world.
Here is how many meditators meditate:
Focus your mind on a single word, phrase or sound. Repeat over and over. Some schools say to repeat it mentally, other schools advise you to say it out loud and other schools teach you to chant it out loud in a group.
Some methods may ask you to look at an image, others tell you to imagine an image in your mind.
Some groups have a nihilistic philosophy and others have a deeply traditional religious type of structure.
All of these schools, groups and methods work at some level. They will all have deep effects in promoting health, recovery from illness, and creating substantive changes in your life. But, and here it is a BIG BUT, some are better than others. But, and here it is another BIG BUT how do you find out which will be the best one for you?
That is easy. I'll tell you which one will work best for you.
Next time. lol

Friday, 9 October 2009

NEW! Free Tarot Reading

What does the future hold for you?
For most people the future holds many possibilities.
But which possibility do you aim for? And how do you make sure that the possibility that you choose will be the best possibility that you can have? And how do you make sure that that best possible possibility becomes a reality for YOU in YOUR life?
Let's find out.
I was talking to a few of my Happiness buddies and I came up with this.
My program always does everything possible to have as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into your life as you can handle (and you are going to learn how to do that). But here is my lesson for to-day:
You have to enjoy doing it. Getting as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into your life as you can handle is where you are going, it is your destination.
You, my friend must learn how to get as much excitement, enjoyment and achievement into what you do to get there. The journey is as important to us as the destination.
Let me make sure that you understand this highly important lesson.
Most of us know how passing through an airport when going on holiday can turn into an absolute nightmare. You may have had an experience yourself. You will have heard about other peoples' nightmares. You may have seen the TV programmes about them.
Following the lesson I am talking about, you would want to have excitement, fun and enjoyment going to the airport, in the airport and on the plane.
You may not achieve this perfectly, but, you are going to have a lot of fun finding out how close you can come.
Think about how you can start using this lesson TODAY!
You don't have to look for something big. Try something simple.
Here is how I get started in a simple way.
It's a bright day. And warm for this for this time of year. I'm not going to waste it standing up on a smelly bus, getting thrown all over the place. I'll go out a bit earlier and walk into town. On the walk I'll pass at least 20 great coffee places. I'll drop into one. I don't know which one yet. I'll see how I feel when I'm out.
I know the workers in most of them and I'll share some friendly chat. Then I'll get my notebook out and start doing some planning. So simple. But as I write it, I'm feeling good already about the prospect.
Start the day in a simple way. Get that good feeling going and then you can start going for something bigger and more ambitious.
But let's get back on track.
What have I got planned.
I am a professional Tarot Reader. I am going to be putting readings up here on my blog for all of my friends. (Yes that means YOU. lol.)
You may be wondering how this fits in with the Better Life Now program but I will be telling you........
More soon lol

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Feeling Fed Up?

Spanish researchers have found a way to stop you from feeling fed up!
Just eat the right food.
You have to eat lots of anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. To do this the researchers recommend more meals rich with olive oil, fruit, whole grains, fish, and nuts.
People who eat eat those foods regularly have a 30% less chance of developing depression.
The number of people here in this country suffering from depression is soaring higher and higher every year. In America, students who were signing on to study were
profiled. One out of every six was being treated for clinical depression.
The increasing number of people suffering from depression is really alarming. And here is a simple way to help one out every three.
This is known as the Mediterranean Diet. If you go to any book clearance shop, they will have two or three books about it for about a pound. Or your local library will have a load of them.
Strangely enough it is called the Mediterranean diet because it is the standard diet for people who live in the Mediterranean
It is also recommended as a diet for people who suffer from heart problems or who are overweight.
So there you go. Hit your target weight, have a healthy heart and get happier with one simple move.
Switch to the Mediterranean Diet. It also includes tomatoes (which the researchers didn't mention). Tomatoes are full of anti-oxidants.
N.B Particularly if they have been pasteurised.
I already eat plenty of the above foods apart from nuts. After reading about this research, I will increase the number of them.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

But, you may say, what does Arnold Schwarznegger have to do with me? And quite rightly so. What he wanted in life may not be you may want. So let me explain.
You may not want to become the King of the Bodybuilders. But you do want to be the best possible you that you could possibly be, don't you? Of course you do!
You may not want to be King of the Action Movie Heroes. But you do want to have the best possible life that you can possibly have, don't you? Of course you do!
You may not want to be the King of California. But you do want to get up every morning and pack as much fun, enjoyment and laughter into the day as you possibly can, don't you? Of course you do!
And Arnold is a man who has got and become and done everything that he wanted in life.
And this is what this is all about.
Not about what Arnold did.
Not about what I'm telling you to do.
Not about you what friends and family tell you that you should do.
WHAT you want!
What YOU want!
What you WANT!
And whatever you want to get, whatever you want to become, whatever you want to do, that is what you are going to get, become and do.
So why aren't already getting those things?
Either you don't have a plan or the plan is useless or the plan doesn't work.
Perhaps, because your plan is not working, you should try another plan. If you want to get all the goodies that make life so good then you have to get a plan that works for you.
If you can believe that, then you must try my plan.
When you do start using the plan you will find that it does work, it will work for you and you will enjoy every moment of it. Believe me.
So let's start to look at what you want.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Arnold Schwartzenegger and NLP

I have been going on a bit about Big Arnie so let me tell you the reason behind it. Arnold is a living example of what NLP will do for you.
I'm not saying that Arnold has learned NLP as such.
What I am saying is that he was using all the methods of NLP before anybody had ever heard of it. And that includes the people who created NLP.
When they were creating NLP for mental therapy purposes, he had been using similar stuff for years out on the streets.
He had been using it in the gruelling hell of professional bodybuilding, in the pressure cooker of Hollywood, in the outright warfare of American politics.
He had been using it to fulfil his vision, to be the best that he could possibly be and to push himself to ever higher levels of achievement.
Early NLP was based only for counselling people who had mental and emotional issues. Anthony Robbins pushed it into other areas.
He used his version to train people for better performance in every desired area of life.
Let me put it this way.
Early NLP helped people with mental and emotional issues to achieve a 'normal' level of functioning.
Anthony Robbins trained 'normal' people to push their lives to higher levels of success in any area of their lives.
But Arnold was USING all the ideas, attitudes and methods that the NLPers would come up with, years before they did so.
Any NLPers should read EVERYTHING that they can beg, borrow or steal about and by Arnold. His life story is a textbook for DOING NLP for real, in real life.