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Monday, 9 January 2012

How To Defeat Depression In Two Steps!
Just after the Christmas holiday is a time when plenty of people feel low. Do you feel a bit fragile, down or even depressed? Here is how you are going to beat those blues and send them back to where they belong.
First take a look at what it is that is bothering you. When you are going through one of these depressing periods everything seems to get you down. People, places and things. So let’s take an example.
A friend is talking to you and they are ‘nasty’. Because you are in a downbeat mood, you start having a downbeat reaction. Why are they like this, what have I done, why don’t they like me? Your downbeat mood goes even deeper. And it refuses to go away. You keep thinking about the incident. And get more depressed.
The First Step
See the scene as a movie. You are watching a movie of you and your friend talking. Now move back. Now you are watching from a distance and you can just about see and hear what he is saying. Now, at a safe distance, examine the emotion that you are having. In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), this is called Going To Third Person.
The Second Step
You could at this step stay with NLP. There are several NLP methods to get rid of any emotions that are upsetting you. But I want to tell you more about the simplest, easiest and most powerful method that I know. Meditation.
You must do this meditation correctly. BEFORE you start, you must think to yourself:
1) I’m going to distance myself from this emotion.
2) I am going to go deep into my meditation where emotions don’t exist.
3) This emotional problem will just float away.
Now stop thinking and meditate. As you know, when you are meditating you should try not to think about anything. As you meditate, the negative emotion will go further and further away. It will fade into the distance like a puff of smoke on a windy day. When you finish meditating, it will either be gone completely or be so far away that it will stop affecting you.
At first glance, this technique might seem a bit too simple to be really good. It is simple. I have designed it to be as simple as possible. But it is also very powerful. I have joined up a powerful NLP technique with one of the strongest effects of Zen meditation. Try it. You’ll be well pleased.
But why get depressed at all when you can join The Happy People at Love,Peace and Happiness, Tommy

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