A lot of people spend a lot of time and a lot of effort into getting healthy and staying healthy. They torture themselves with sweaty exercise, starvation diets and stopping smoking. This makes them unhappy. So they stop these things and go back to being unhealthy.
But we’re The Happy People and we have to be Healthy because being healthy is an important part of being Happy. Staying healthy is essential but getting healthy is a drag.
Here is a way that The Happy People have that keeps them healthy, happy and humming all day long!
Researchers have proved that regular sex does wonders for your health. Because making love can slow down the ageing process, boost your immune system.and increase you circulation. And this will give you a longer, healthier and happier life.
And that is what we want. Isn’t it?
Dr David Weeks, clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, says that he found that the most effective way to keep yourslf looking young is to have sex regularly.
Dr Weeks questioned more than 3,500 volunteers aged between 18 and 102. He found that couples who make love three times a week look between four and seven years younger than those who have less sex.
(I think he should have asked the 102 year olds what they were eating lol)
The study shows that sex is an excellent aerobic exercise because it raises the heart beat and pumps oxygen around the body which improves the immune system, boosts circulation and keeps you lean.
More soon,
Love, Peace and Happiness,
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