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Monday 21 February 2011

A Happy Dog Is A Happy YOU!

Research at the University of Porto, Portugal have found that DOGS have an amazing psychic link with human beings. That means you and me.
They can 'read' your emotional state and react to it. This is called 'Emotional Contagion'. Dr. Karina Silva tested this by getting dog owners to act distressed. Their pets also started to show distress. I know this is true and you can test it if you have a dog.
Put your hands up to your face and pretend to cry and see if your dog reacts. Most will do react and show distress.
If you don't have a dog ask a friend who does to try it.
If you show a dog that you are happy to see it, it will quickly show that it is happy to see you. But you already know this, don't you?
(Let me repeat that: If you show a dog that you are happy to see it, it will quickly show that it is happy to see you. But you already know this, don't you?
My point is that you know this but you are not aware of the happiness quality that is all around you. It is EEEZZZ to get happy if you know how.)
Here is a SIMPLE exercise for you.
The next time you know that you are going to see your dog shortly. Perhaps you are going home. Think about the moment your dog sees you. How will it act? Makes you feel warm, doesn't it? When you see it, make a great fuss. This feels even better, doesn't it? Keep it going. Roll, tickle, scratch and rub. This has to make you happy. And your dog. Try to judge who is having the most, happy fun.
If you don't have dog, do it with a friend's dog. Or a neighbour's. LOL
If you're having a bad day, there is the remedy. Right at your feet. Bend down and GET HAPPY!
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Sunday 20 February 2011

How Happy Are YOU? Part 2

It is very hard to say exactly what happiness is. It can be many things to many people. It has many levels of meaning from mild contentment to being deliriously happy. It can cover all areas of your life.
In my last post, I wrote that the downside of life was when you were feeling sad, lonely and disappointed. This brings to my mind a picture of a person who has no excitement, nothing to look forward to, nothing to get them out of bed in the morning
So,for now, shall we say that when you are bubbling with excitement, can't wait to get out of bed in the morning and really looking forward to tomorrow, that would be real happiness for you.
That's what you will be going for. And, if you only get half way there, you'll be really pleased, won't you? lol
More soon.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

How Happy Are You?

People do not seem to have an awareness of how happy they are in the present moment. If you ask yourself: Am I happy? You have to think about it for a moment before you know. Don't you?
You are not like that with your other emotional states. You are well aware when you are sad, you are well aware when you are disappointed and you are well aware when you are lonely. And when you are aware of sadness, disappointment or loneliness, you have the ability to dwell on those feelings. You can dwell on them for long periods. You can wallow in them until they take over your whole life. Perhaps you will not admit to being like that yourself, but you certainly know somebody who spends their whole life complaining, don't you?
Why is happiness different? When you are happy, why doesn't it have the power that other emotions have. Why can't you dwell on it and make it last for long periods? Why can't you wallow in it and let it take over your whole life?
Isn't that a nice thought? Wallowing in HAPPINESS all day, every day, for ever.
Perhaps it's sounds impossible right now BUT we can certainly give a real try.
Happiness seems to come at odd moments. Sometimes you expect it and it lets you down. Other times it comes when you least expect it, for no reason.
You can't make it come, you can't dwell on it and increase the strength of the feeling and you can't make it last.
You can't right now BUT we are going to change all that. We will look at what happiness really is in my next post.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Love Is Great

Just what you need on Valentine's Day! Just what the doctor ordered. It's a bit long but good stuff. Just click below.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Proof Of Life After Death

Four year old Colton Burpo's amazing experience. Read about it at:

Stop Being Depressed Start Feeling Happy

More and more people are suffering from depression. In the UK the numbers are now at new record levels. A group called the New Economics Foundations keeps records of reported happiness levels in countries all over the world. Surprisingly, Costa Rica, which we would consider a poor, backward country is the happiest place in the world. The UK is at number 13! And things here are getting worse. And the prospects for the future, as set out by the government, are even more depressing.
So, what can you do if you are one of this growing group of people? If your life now, or in the near future looks sad, unhappy or depressing?
Well, you could go to the doctor. You will:
1) Be sent to a therapist of some sort.
2) Or be put on anti-depressant drugs.
3) Or you will end up with 1) AND 2).
The thing about these treatments is that they are not very satisfactory. Most people say that therapy is not strong enough and it takes too long to deliver only weak results. Some of the drugs make people feel worse than the depression did. And, even if the treatments do work, the depression could come back again at a later date.
Of course some people are suffering severe depression and do really need the therapy. It is most important that you do go to your doctor for advice. He will tell you how severe your depression is.
One of the main complaints depressed people report is that they feel no control over their lives. And this is what I am talking about. Taking control of your life. Whatever caused your depression, no matter how long you’ve had it, no matter how bad you feel, taking more control of your life can, should and WILL HELP.
When you start, immediately, you will start to feel confidence in yourself, your ability to deal with your problems and your future.
And this is what The Happy People is for. To teach you how to learn how to control your life, how to avoid depression, loneliness and unhappiness.
I can’t do all of this in a short article like this, but, if you become one of The Happy People then you will get all the knowledge, tools and learning that you will need. ALL FREE!
What I can do, right now, is give you a very basic, simple and easy to use exercise to get you started.
Here are the
1) Get a pen and notebook. It is a well known fact that writing things down gives them weight, importance and real meaning. This is the secret power of this exercise. Do not start without a pen and notebook. Do not try to do it in your head. If you do you will fail.
2) Write down a list of 5 things that depress you.
3) Write down a list of 5 things that make you feel happy.
4) Pick one item off each list.
5) Start doing the item that depresses you LESS often.
6) Start doing the item that makes you happy MORE often.
7) You must do this every day that you can and keep a WRITTEN record of this.

That’s it! Plain and simple! Almost too simple!
BUT it works, it has worked for thousands of people and it will work for YOU!
Here are some tips:
A) Only work on ONE item from each list.
B) Because you are new to this, pick an easy one. One you think will be easy for you to succeed with.
C) If you find it isn’t working for one item. Read C) again and pick a different one.
D) If it seems hard to do, start working harder at it. It will work but you must work too
E) Any problems, contact me.
Join The Happy People NOW!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Lazy Way To Get Fit And Healthy

Scientists in Japan have found that if you have a SAUNA every day for 15 minutes your ARTERIES will become WIDER and you have INCREASED BLOOD FLOW. This VERY healthy effect can be seen after only TWO WEEKS! If your New Year Resolution was to get fitter then you must start doing this today. This is a better and QUICKER result than if you started jogging. Of course you should do both.