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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Ready For Happiness From Your New Year Resolutions?
You have a couple of days to round up your New Year resolutions. Hopefully the ones you want will be ones that will help you clean up your act or bring success, satisfaction and happiness into your life.
In this article, we will be be looking at ones that will increase your happiness. Lots of researchers all over the world have been studying how we can have more happiness in our lives. The scientists have found many ways of doing this. I have picked four of them for these reasons:
1) Because they are easy to start and keep up.
2) The researchers have tested them and have proved that they work.
3) Doing these types of things have been found to have very important side effects. They help you to stay healthier, and they help you to live longer.
4) Also, following this programme is guaranteed to make you lots of friends!
Right, here are the areas I want you to think about:
a) Giving. The act of giving is very powerful. You can prove this to yourself very easily. Keep your eyes open for people in the street who are collecting money. Charity workers, street musicians or even beggars. Watch the people who donate money. As they walk up they have a certain look on their face. After they give the money, as they walk away, you’ll see their faces change. Obviously the act of giving has given them a good feeling. Just try this experiment and see for yourself. Now I’m not only talking about giving money. You can give of yourself, your time and your caring. Visit the sick. Phone somebody who is living on their own. Give your unwanted goods to charity shops. When you’re in at a supermarket check out and the person behind you only has a few items, let them go first. Watch their face change! Try to put some thinking into this. Give things, give kind acts, give kind words. Give and THINK about giving before, while and after doing it. Research shows that just THINKING about giving can have almost as much good effect on your mood as actually giving.
b) People who are unhappy spend too much time thinking about themselves. What has happened in the past, what they want but can’t get and what will go wrong in the future. You must make a resolution to change this. But HOW. To keep this post short; I would suggest that you go to There are nearly 150 blog posts there that will teach you how to start getting more happiness into your life.
c) Start helping people. When somebody tells you about a problem, don’t just listen to them, don’t start telling them about your problems, give them real help. Here are some Magic phrases:
“What can WE do about it?”
” Let me have a word with them!”
” I’ll go and see them!”
” I’ll come around and give you a hand to do it!”
So there you have three resolutions that will bring you a lot of happiness and a lot of friends.
Join The Happy People at

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Self Help For Happiness!
Everybody wants more in their life. More Love, Fun, Excitement, Happiness, Laughter, Peace. I want them all, you want them all, we all want them all. So what goes wrong? Well, most people don’t know HOW. So they go about it the wrong way. They focus on the wrong things. They keep thinking about, talking about and dwelling on how unhappy, how lonely they are or how stressed out they feel. They are focused on looking at life this way.
People who have studied the Law Of Attraction know that what you focus on, you get. So why focus on unhappiness, loneliness or stress? You must make changes in the methods of thinking that you use. You must focus on what is going well for you, what makes you happy, things that you enjoy. If you are one of The Happy People, you will have your plans set out for all the upbeat things that you are going to do. That is where you must be focusing. You will know the sort of things that you enjoy. You must always be using more ways to do more of them, ways to do them more often and ways to get even more enjoyment from them. Then the Law Of Attraction will bring those things into your life.
When you are talking to people, start talking about upbeat things. If they keep on talking about downbeat things, you must refuse to get involved. Talk about upbeat things. Every time they go back to downbeat talk, bring it back to positive talk. This is an NLP technique called a Pattern Interrupt. Do not use this technique too obviously. It can be very powerful and it will lose you friends if you do not do it gently. Do not argue with them, just keep moving back to positive things to talk about. After some practice you will become expert at doing this.
As one of The Happy People, your main plan is to be as happy as you possibly can, to help others to be happy and to absolutely refuse to be talked into a downbeat mood. Your aim is NOT to let people talk you into a negative mood, your aim is to talk other people into a more positive mood. Make them feel better for talking to you. PLUS. Making them feel happier will make YOU feel happier.
Are you one of The Happy People? If not go to Click on Follow and share this with a friend. Make them happy too. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Meditation Stops You Being Unhappy, Angry or Aggressive!
Have you ever had a moment of rude awakening. A friend says to you: You are always moaning. Or angry. Or aggressive.
You immediately splutter some sort of denial. Later on you think to yourself: How could they say that when it’s just not true.
But is it true or not? How will you ever know?
In order for you to get true love, peace and happiness in your life, you have to find out who you are really. How can you work on getting rid of your unhappiness, anger or aggression if you don’t believe you have them?
Well you can work on this sort of problem in two steps:
1) You can use an NLP technique called ‘Going to third person’. You go over the scene in your mind again but you act like a spectator. You imagine the scene again but you are standing a few feet away watching yourself and your friend talking. Just as if you were were watching a video recording of the scene. You watch and listen to everything again. You can then judge if you were being unhappy, angry or aggressive. If you were then use step 2.
2) Start meditating more. If you don’t meditate, start meditating. The right type of meditation will allow you to go to third person. You will then be able to be away from your actions but still mindful of them. As you continue to meditate, you will drift further and further away from your unhelpful actions. This is called stretching the cords of attachment. Eventually they stretch so far that they break. And all those unhelpful behaviours will vanish into the distance just like a balloon with a broken string on a breezy day.
I love to add NLP techniques to my Zen Meditation because they make it easier to understand, easier to do and gives better results.
Join The Happy People at Click on follow. Share this with a friend. Help to make the world a happier place.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Meditation Stops You Being Unhappy, Angry or Aggressive!
Have you ever had a moment of rude awakening. A friend says to you: You are always moaning. Or angry. Or aggressive.
You immediately splutter some sort of denial. Later on you think to yourself: How could they say that when it’s just not true.
But is it true or not? How will you ever know?

In order for you to get true love, peace and happiness in your life, you have to find out who you are really. How can you work on getting rid of your unhappiness, anger or aggression when you don’t believe you have them?
Well you can work on this sort of problem in two steps:
1) You can use an NLP technique called ‘Going to third person’. You go over the scene in your mind again but you act like a spectator. You imagine the scene again but you are standing a few feet away watching yourself and your friend talking. Just as if you were were watching a video recording of the scene. You watch and listen to everything again. You can then judge if you were being unhappy, angry or aggressive. If you were then use step 2.
2) Start meditating more. If you don’t meditate, start meditating. The right type of meditation will allow you to go to third person. You will then be able to be away from your actions but still mindful of them. As you continue to meditate, you will drift further and further away from your unhelpful actions. This is called stretching cords of attachment. Eventually they stretch so far that they break. And all those unhelpful behaviours will vanish into the distance just like a balloon with a broken string on a breezy day.
I love to add NLP techniques to my Zen Meditation because they make it easier to understand, easier to do and gives better results.
Join The Happy People at Click on follow. Share this with a friend. Help to make the world a happier place.
Why Are So Many People So Unhappy?
The level of happiness has been going down over the last two years. It has been going down since 2009 and this decline has got worse in the first half of 2011.
The University of Vermont researchers studied over 46 billion words used in Twitter tweets. The study showed that the words used showed an increase in depression and a drop in happiness.
How about you? Are you as happy as you used to be? If not, what can you do about it? All the research indicates that happiness is strongly linked to the amount of control that you feel you have over your life. Stress and depression are the enemies of happiness. They are often caused by feeling powerless. Your life is full of problems and you can’t do anything about it. A huge amount of the problems in peoples’ lives is caused by bad government. In the big picture there is very little that we can do about that. We are ruled by one corrupt government after another (UK). They control every aspect of our lives and increase their hold constantly.
There is not much that we can do about all that. Most people want more happiness. So why don’t they get more. Simply put you don’t know how to go about getting it. What you have to do is work harder at a personal level. You can do this by joining The Happy People at There are 130 plus free articles there. They will tell you how to take control of the happiness in your life. Click on Follow. Share the link with your friends in person and on line. Make them happier too. A good way for you to be happy is for you to have happy friends. Help to spread the message of Love, Peace and Happiness. Tommy.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Get Happier AND Stop Stress In One Go!
How do you do that? Read this report: Megan E. Piper, Ph.D., from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, led a group that examined 1,504 people. Some of these people were to stop smoking, the rest were to keep smoking. The people were tested one year and three years later using quality of life (QOL) indices. Simply put, this means that they were asked about how happy they feel about things in their lives.

Those who had stopped smoking, reported higher levels of happiness than those who still smoked. And more important this was still going on at the three year stage. The non-smokers were still happier than the others. They also reported less things were causing them stress than the smokers.

So if you want to stop stress, feel happier AND get loads of health benefits, stop smoking! And join The Happy People. Go to Click to follow and share this post with a friend. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Prisoners Find Personal Peace Through Meditation!
Convicts can find inner calmness through quiet meditation. A new programme in Puzhal Prison, India, shows great progress in calming the convicts down. It is reported that after attending meditation classes the most troublesome prisoners were reported to feel calmer and behaved better than before.
You should meditate. Join The Happy People at Click on Follow. Share this message with a friend. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.
Great article about Meditation for healing a tumour.
Go to
Great article here about using Meditation for healing a tumour. Yoga, meditation helps fight tumour.
Get Out There, Get Socializing And Get Happy!
A new Gallup poll, shows that people under 30 years of age need at least six hours a day of face to face mixing with other people. This amount makes them feel 20% happier about life. As people get older, this figure drops. When people reach sixty, they say they only need three hours of socializing in order to feel 20% happier.
My advice is to treat these figures as a bare minimum. Forget your age and forget 20%. Get out and and mix with people 24/7. All day, every day. Go for 100% happier! Join The Happy People, Go to Click follow. Share this message with a friend. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.
Happiness NOW!What makes you happy? A wrestle with your dog when you come in? Your cat cuddling on your knee? Your favourite meal with a friend? A car drive on a quiet road? Your favourite singer singing that special song? Seeing some beautiful scenery with somebody you love? You should have a list of about 50 things that turn you on. Things that you can do with little effort. (As I’ve told you often, they should be written down.) Now start doing them.NOW! That’s right, NOW. KEEP doing them until I tell you to stop. Christmas is starting early this year. We’re not going to make Christmas Day the happiest day in the year, We’re going to make Christmas time the happiest MONTH of the year. All together now, every day, all day, let’s do it!
Join The Happy People, Go to share and follow

Monday, 12 December 2011

How To Have Holistic Happiness! Happiness must be Holistic. Yourself, the people around you and all of your actions must be based in producing happiness. You must do everything you can to be happier 24/7, you must do everything you can to make the people around you happier and you must do everything you can to make the world a better place. You may not succeed 100% but you can TRY. 100%. You MAY not get get 100% success but once you TRY 100% you’ll be amazed at the fun, enjoyment and good times you are going to get. Go for it TODAY!!!!!
Join The Happy People! Follow this blog at

Sunday, 11 December 2011

One in four, of the soldiers who were in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Some also suffer from depression and substance abuse related to PTSD. Meditation has already been recognized by the military as having a healing potential for PTSD.
A study partly funded by the Department of Defense found meditation training could benefit soldiers. The study of 48 soldiers found those who participated in an eight week mindfulness course, had better moods, memory, and emotional awareness than the ones without the training. One soldier who tried meditation said, “From the first time I did it, I knew it was what I would do for the rest of my life. It was the first time I felt quiet in my mind for five years.”
They have initiated ‘Operation Warrior Wellness’, a plan to teach meditation to 10,000 ex-soldiers.
Start Meditating! Go to and click follow.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Build Yourself A Bigger Brain!
The size of a London taxi driver’s brain changes when he is learning the quickest way around the capital, MRI scans reveal. This is a learning task that takes between two and four years.
Would-be taxi drivers have to learn 320 routes within a six mile radius of Charing Cross. This means learning and remembering 25,000 streets and 20,000 landmarks and places of local interest. They must know the quickest way to get from one place to an other and the names of the streets used.
Dozens of trainee drivers had MRI scans before and after they had completed this learning. These drivers were of mixed ages and education. The University College London team, writing in Current Biology, found brain parts linked to memory grew bigger. They said it proved the brain could adapt to new tasks, even in at any age.
So, what does this mean for us? It means that your brain doesn’t have to get weak and feeble as you age, it can get bigger and better! It means that we should always be learning new things, we should be giving ourselves new challenges and we should be forcing our brains to do harder and unusual things. Here’s a few that will get you started.
1)Get a spell checker on your computer.
2)Learn another computer function.
3)Start doing word and number puzzles, make sure you finish them by having a peek at the solutions and keep moving up to harder ones.
Try and come up with an exercise for us and send it to me. You could win a prize. You could become the best big brain builder on this blog! Join The Happy People. Go to and click the follow button. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Get Set To Really Enjoy This Christmas!
Christmas is coming soon and it will be a great time to bring some happiness to yourself and to others. Do not leave everything til the last minute. Plan what you’re going to do. Make a list of the presents you are going to buy and the people to get cards for. Don’t be mean. It only happens once a year. Put time into it. Think about it. A friend of mine used to post 200 cards out. He didn’t just buy a pack of cards. He used to pick most of them to have a special message for that person. He was also the same about presents. He went abroad a lot and would buy presents six months before Christmas. The message is clear. THINK about it. Don’t leave it until the last minute. He used to enjoy every minute of the preparation, the giving and the good feelings involved. Instead of getting that sinking feeling when you think about all the problems, get involved in the planning, the excitement and the festive spirit. Make this your best Christmas ever. Love,Peace and Happiness, Tommy. Join The Happy People at

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Happiest Place In The World!

They did a survey in India to find out where the people were happiest. Jaipur city  was the winner.

An INCREDIBLE 96.8 %, yes 96.8 %,  of the people living there said that they were HAPPY!  

Reading that inspired this thought:

1) Are you the happiest person in your street? If not, start working on it, NOW!

2) Are you the happiest person in your gang? If not, start working on it, NOW!

3) Is your home the happiest home in in the street? If not start working on it. NOW!

Even if you never make, you will have a lot of fun. Trust me. I know about these things.

Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy. 

Saturday, 3 December 2011

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Train Your Brain So It Makes You Happier!
Report from the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington DC:
The brains of happy people are tuned to to only pay attention to positive things in their life. When they look at their lives they only seem to notice the good things. This isn’t some sort of silliness. They are aware of the bad things, but tend to ignore them. Unhappy people, on the other hand, only pay attention to the bad things and ignore the good things. Because happy people notice and respond more strongly to joyful objects and events in their life, their increased sensitivity helps reinforce their happiness over time. Their ability to be happy gets stronger and steronger. So they tend to grow happier as they get older. For the unhappy, the exact opposite is true. Start training your brain to make you happier. Join The Happy People at:

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Meditation Eases Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!
Early findings from the Oregon Health & Science University study show meditation has helped ease Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms.
Iraq War veteran Jeff Bounds, 46, of Vancouver says he “noticed a big difference” when he tried meditation. Bounds served two tours in Iraq. He was badly hurt, and spent more than a hear in the hospital. He said his PTSD was overwhelming at times.
“You’re always looking (over your shoulder). I still am (getting) nightmares, flashbacks,” Bounds said.
Bounds said classes to help with PTSD did not work, so in August, he enrolled in the small Oregon Health & Science University study. Bounds saidl meditation changed his life. He said it helps him daily “stay present in stressful situations.”
Many veterans come home from war with strong reactions to sudden noises.
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Nourish Your Inner Self! Spirituality is food and drink for your soul and meditation is the oxygen that keeps it alive. Spirituality and meditation together bring you freedom from stress, mental and physical health and joyful happiness. They cleanses the body and mind from toxic thought, attitudes and behaviour. Your life starts to sing. Meditation by emptying your mind of thoughts blesses you many times over. Love, Peace and Happiness, The Happiness Guru.
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Good News ForYour Health! People who meditate may be able to use their brain in ways others can’t. They can tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand.A new study shows that experienced meditators have less activity in parts of the brain associated with daydreaming and distraction while meditating and in their day-to-day lives.
Researchers say this part of the brain, known as the “default mode network,” has also been linked to anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Alzheimers disease. The researchers are now looking at ways to use meditation for the prevention and treatment of these illnesses. The findings show that meditation plays a big part in keeping these illnesses at bay. The message is very clear meditate for better health.
Join The Happy People. Go to

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

CHOOSE The Life You Want! Everything is a choice. Minute by minute you are making choices about doing this instead of doing that. You make those choices. YOU. Once you fully understand that, you can take control of your life. You have the power to do what you want to do, do what will make you happy and do what will give you the things that you want! THINK ABOUT IT! I would advise that you start with your attitude. Attitude is the gravy that you pour over every minute of your life. Change your attitude and you change every minute of your life. THINK about it! It is true. Choose to start the day with a good, positive, upbeat attitude. Throughout the day check up on it. If it has gone, choose to get it back . If it’s still there choose to feel even better. Start now! Love, Peace and Happiness, The Happiness Guru

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ladies, Like To Learn About Laid Back Love Making? A new study has revealed that meditation helps women to train their thoughts while love-making which makes them to experience more pleasure between the sheets. Researchers from the Brown University in Rhode Island monitored the behaviour of 44 students, 30 of whom were female, and half of whom had taken a 12-week meditation course. The participants were shown a slideshow of “erotic” images and were then asked to describe their reaction as either “calm”, “excited” or “aroused”. They found that the women who had been meditating were quicker at feeling sexy. The study also revealed that women who meditate demonstrate increased self-compassion, less anxiety and improved attention span. It’s interesting, the women didn’t like the meditation took longer to feel sexy. They were ones who often had feelings of anxiety, anger and lack of confidence in life before the experiment. Join The Happy People at
Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth |

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Is Happiness Your Choice? We can all be happier if we choose to. We have all know a time when a friend has been very downbeat about something. By talking to them, we cheered them up. When we met them, they were making the choice to be sad. We cheered them up. They made the choice to be happier and did it. And it’s the same with yourself. When you are sad, depressed or downbeat about something, you are choosing to be like that. Just like your friend, you could make a change and choose to be happier. BUT don’t wait for a a friend to change you, you can change yourself. The next time you feel down, talk yourself up.
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What The Happy People Believe And Do!
The Happy People believe that the human being’s happiness consists of continually looking for the pleasure in love, life and living. Pleasure, enjoyment, and the joy of life are the GOOD that gives people happiness. Pain, depression and suffering are the supreme EVIL which prevents human beings from being happy. This pleasure can be physical, mental or spiritual at times but you must be continually trying combine as much as possible of all three into a holistic way of happy living. Join The Happy People at

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Your Relationships Are Huge Factors In Your Happiness! The most important items in making or breaking your happiness are your relationships. Relationships with your family, friends or lovers can make or ruin your whole life. Research has shown that strong social connections with others are important to our own happiness. The more of these you have, the happier you will be. Marriage has been found in many, many studies to greatly increase happiness. But it has to be a strong, healthy marriage in order for that to be true. So get out there and get LOADS of relationships going. Get rid of the bad ones and get stuck in with the good ones. Join The Happy People at:
Super Star Susan Happiest Having Her Hair Permed! Susan Boyle is the UK’s top-selling singer and currently is top of the album chart, but world wide success has not gone to her head. Well it has in a certain way! LOL Instead of going for expensive clothes, fast cars and luxury mansions, the Scottish singer is happier spending a few pounds having her hair permed by a local hairdresser.
Six Rules For You To Stay Healthy, Happy And Slim!
People who stay Healthy, Happy and SLIM usually follow these six rules,
1. Get Up Early. Healthy people have a normal sleep schedule. They go to bed early and they wake up earlier than most people, feeling refreshed, happy and ready to go.
2. Exercise early. Exercising in the morning, before or after breakfast, is best because it boosts your metabolism.
3. Stay positive. Healthy, happy people have a positive outlook on life. They know that seeing life in a positive way motivates them to stay healthy,happy and live longer.
4. Eat healthy food. Skinny people stay skinny by eating a mix of lots of protein and vitamin rich, fruit and vegetables everyday.
5. Know what you want and set targets. They always like to improve things. Particularly themselves. They set short and long term targets for exercise and weight loss.
6. Meditate. This gives them strong mental control.
More similar articles at:

Monday, 21 November 2011

One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down.
'Can't you ring your bell?' She said. 'I can ring my bell,' I said 'But I can't ride my bike'
Meditate Against Greed!
Ex-banker turned Meditation Teacher urges Wall Street to meditate. Rasanath Das, a former New York investment banker who gave it all up to become a monk, was recently spending his Sunday afternoons leading Occupy Wall Street protesters in meditation until police cleared their camp at Zuccotti Park this week.The 32-year-old monk isn’t sure now where his next session will be. He’ll keep following the protesters to offer meditation sessions, though, convinced they will only roll back the inequality they see around them if they find personal harmony deep inside.
“Anger won’t solve anything,” he told Reuters. “We have to work from the heart… there is so much distrust now.”
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Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace |
Focusing On Feeling More Successful, Fulfilled And Happier!
Meditation is the technique of bringing all of our mental focus to the here and now, to the immediate sensations in our bodies and our breathing Usually people let their thoughts wander all over the place. They think about things in the past and future or of other things that are not here and now and being done in the present. People who meditate train to do things with full awareness. Then their actions are more likely to be successful. Meditators feel with full awareness and when they do, they feel that they are more fulfilled, successful and happier than people who do not meditate.
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Six Ways To Stop Seasonal Stress! Xmas is famous for causing stress. If you haven't started meditating yet here is a great article to help you:
Better Lovemaking For The Ladies!
All kinds of anxious, self-judgemental thoughts often run through some women’s minds while lovemaking, experts say. But a new study says meditation teaches how to concentrate your thoughts on what you are doing right at that moment. It stops your mind from wandering. This allows you to concentrate and enjoy what you are doing. ”Rather than enjoying what you are doing there and then, they get caught up in their thoughts about other things,” said the study’s leader who was a student at Brown University in Rhode Island at the time of the study. Although in this case, we are talking about love-making, meditation will help you perform better in every area of your life.
This was a study done by women about women.
Similar studies show the same findings about men.
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Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation,
Meditation Is Exercise For The Brain!
Meditation is not a type of religion. In the past people have thought that it was. This is all changing. Not long ago people believed that only professional athletes exercised. As soon as an athlete finished competing, they stopped exercising. Now the streets and parks are full of people running and there are gyms everywhere full of people exercising. People have found that you don’t have to be an athlete to exercise. Exercise is a perfect way to increase the level of physical enjoyment in your life. When you exercise there is a tremendous return in benefits. You feel great, you look better and you live longer. It is the same with meditation. People have found out that you don’t have to be religious to meditate. Meditation is the perfect way to increase the level of mental harmony, power and health. If you suffer or have suffered from stress, anxiety or depression then meditation is the answer. Just like an overcoat in cold weather. Put it on and right away you feel warm. Read more articles like this at

Sunday, 20 November 2011

I was watching the London Marathon and saw one runner dressed as a chicken and another runner dressed as an egg. I thought: 'This could be interesting'
Can simple stress-reducing meditation techniques be the answer to the record levels of student stress reported in a recent UCLA survey.
A new study published in the Journal of Instructional Psychology found that Meditation techniques significantly reduced stress in public school students. The study, done with secondary school students, showed a 36 percent reduction in overall psychological stress. Significant decreases were also found in anxiety and depression.
Kaiser Permanent Center for Health Research, emphasized the important findings on reduced stress. "It is vital that we start addressing the high levels of emotional stress being reported by high school and college students. Stress can have a bad effect on mental health, and can also increase the risk for hypertension, obesity, and diabetes—major risk factors for heart disease," explained Dr. Elder.
Stress is also linked to negative school behaviour and poor academic performance. More articles at:
Here are just a few celebrities who meditate and who have been in the news this week.
Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Britney Spears, Madonna, Tiger Woods, Steven Seagal.
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Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation,
In Bhutan’s GNH attaches importance to the increases in the sense of happiness felt by its people. The GNH was conceived by the former king The GNH considers such things as the amount of time you spend with your family. The longer the time spent with your family, the happier you will feel. Other factors include the degree of satisfaction felt about Bhutan’s education system and the richness of nature in the country. It is true an abundance of money and things that can be bought with money make it possible for people to enjoy higher standards of food, clothing and other goods. But the Bhutanese seem to believe that concentrating on wealth alone would prompt many people to engage in a moneymaking race. This causes increased stress. And lots of unhappiness.
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More About Money And Happiness!
The old saying that “money can’t buy happiness” is not always true. Certain amounts of money can buy certain kinds of happiness, according to recent studies. For example, people’s feelings of being happy improves as their salaries go up. This feeling of being happier seems to slow right down when they reach about £1,ooo per week. Now research shows that an increase in how much you are earning weekly makes you feel happier than an increase in how much you have in the bank. In addition, the study finds that earned wealth may bring more satisfaction than inherited money.
Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Meditation Can Stop Chronic Pain!
How you think about pain can have a major impact on how it feels.That’s the intriguing conclusion neuroscientists are reaching as new technologies let them see how the brain processes pain. That’s also the idea behind many mind-body approaches to handle pain that are proving very effective in clinical trials. They studied meditation, hypnosis and tai chi. At Stanford University’s Neuroscience and Pain Lab, subjects can watch their own brains react to pain in real-time and learn meditation, hypnosis and tai chi to control their pain—much like building up a muscle.

Learn True Love Meditation with The Happy People! Free articles at: Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.

Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth, Depression, Happiness,
Happiness = Kids!
The greatest time in a person’s life is when they are a child – protected, carefree and funloving. The greatest moments in an adult’s life is when they have children of their own. The only time an adult is worth spending time with is when they are surrounded by kids and becoming like them. We owe our happiness to our children. If they could run the country for a day can you imagine what magic they could create?
Join The Happy People, NOW! Go to
Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth, Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace
Happiness And Money!
Lots of research from all over the world connects happiness to your income. Increasing your income introduces more happiness into your life. But it only works so far. They found out that after a certain figure, it stops working. Let me repeat that. When you increase your income, you increase your happiness. After a certain figure, it stops working. More money does not bring more happiness. In the UK this figure is averaged at £1,000 per week. But the average wage in the UK is only £300 per week! This leaves a lot of people a lot of money short of a lot of Happiness. Roughly speaking they should be getting three times, yes 3x, what they are getting now. Money, itself, will not buy Happiness but a lack of money certainly can bring Unhappiness.
What is your plan to solve this problem?
Join The Happy People at
Posted in Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, stop stress, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment |
Swimming In The Seven Seas Of Happiness!
You have two lives. Your outer life and your inner life. Your outer life tries to find Happiness by feeding your earthly desires and stimulating your earthly passions. Your inner life looks for spiritual fulfillment by controlling your earthly passion, by overcoming your earthly desires and swimming in the vast sea of total freedom from bad Karma. Life is to be lived and two things we should do. We should study life most devotedly and live life most divinely. The two things we must have are imagination and inspiration. A life with no imagination is a life of imprisonment. With the wings of imagination, we must try to fly into the Beyond. A life with no inspiration is a life of stagnation. With dynamism of ceaseless inspiration, we shall give new meaning to life and immortalize life.
True Love Meditation will bring you the mental freedom to develop both outer AND inner halves of your life. Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.
Join The Happy People at

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Friday, 18 November 2011

Good Luck Comes From Good Karma!
Posted on November 18, 2011
Love, meditation, purity, right thinking, proper behaviour, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness and other things must be built one’s life. You can then get lots of good luck through changing your Karma. Meditation helps one do this. You learn control over your emotions so that you thinks of sensible and meaningful ways of life only. Meditation helps one relax and see true values in life. Join The Happy People at
Meditation can change the way you feel about yourself. According to, "you'll soon find that your doubts, insecurities or fears are mostly in your head."
Meditation takes you inside your head and you learn how to replace these feelings with self-confidence, calmness and the ability to cope with any problem. Join the Happy People at
When we're stressed we have less energy to focus on the important things like feeling good. Sometimes we end up rushing things that need more attention. We may even make mistakes that cost us more time.
Meditation can help you sort out what is important. Then you can arrange it so that more time is spent enjoying yourself and not on activities that are less important to you.
When we are busy and engaged, time flies. When we are bored or not where we want to be, time drags. Of course, time doesn't change, it is merely our experience of it that changes. During peak performances athletes describe being in "the zone."
The Zone is a feeling of being in total control of mind and body and being able to operate at TOP LEVEL. Feeling as if you are an absolute World Champion in whatever you want to do. In Meditation this is called at-oneness, being in the now. Meditation will not make you a world champion but it will give you that feeling.
Learn to enjoy yourself! Join The Happy People at

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

If someone living in the 19th century had been told that by the 21st century, nearly everyone in this country would not only have bathrooms with hot and cold running water, but also a car, central heating, every kind of electronic gadgetry, and usually more than enough to eat, they would have shaken their heads in disbelief. Or they would have imagined that people would be living in some kind of earthly paradise.Sadly, such plenty today is tinged with bewilderment. Drug abuse and violence are rife. Mental illness seems to have become more common, not simply better recognised, over the last generation or so. Rates of self-harm among teenage girls are also high and seem to be increasing. Personal debt has hit a record high.So what has gone wrong? What has caused the loss of paradise?
What went wrong isn’t important, what to do about it is. People must get their heads right by Meditating. They must clean up their lives and start to live with intent.
Join The Happy People at:
What makes you happy? I mean, truly, gloatingly, head-over-heels happy? A huge study carried out by the London School of Economics of 45,000 iPhone users, discovered that – shock, horror – it’s making love that makes us the happiest. Next on the list came sport and exercise, followed by theatre and singing …Soooooo…. Get a relationship…Now! Join the Happy People!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The happiest group of workers (in Singapore), according to gross monthly salary, were those who earn between S$8,000 and S$9,000 per month.

The lesson here is that having more makes you happier BUT only to a certain extent. The richest group were NOT the happiest. Learn more about money and happiness. Join The Happy People.
Singapore workers happier than two years ago: survey
SINGAPORE: Singapore workers are happier than they were compared to previous years.
The overall average Work Happiness Indicator score was 57.4 out of 100, the highest since the survey was started two years ago.

Singapore workers scored 55.5 in the 2010 survey and 56.4 in the 2009 survey.

2,385 people took part in the survey from August to September this year by JobsCentral, an online jobs portal.

Sixty per cent of respondents also indicated they are satisfied with their current job.

Advancement opportunities, reasonable work demands and salary were the top three most important work attributes for happiness.

But the same three attributes were also rated poorly in terms of satisfaction level.

The happiest group of workers, according to gross monthly salary, were those who earn between S$8,000 and S$9,000 per month.

This group scored 67 points, much higher than the overall average of 57.4.

Those who earn more than S$10,000 per month (the highest salaried group in the survey), scored 58 points.

The unhappiest workers according to the survey were those who earn between S$6,000 and S$7,000 per month. This group scored 55 points.
People are lost in a fog of pointless information. They are involved in a dense cloud of trivial, irrelevant or otherwise of no value information. This is made possible by the internet and television and cell phones. It is hard to resist and it can become addictive. But it can really make mess up your brain. Brain experts are worried about this trend. You have to learn how to become part of the real world. How to start doing real things, meeting real people and living in the real world.

Work out how long you spend watching TV, surfing the net and texting in a given week. Then cut it by at least 25 per cent the following week.

Use the time saved to hit the street, meet your friends in the flesh, get more exercise.

If you like the result, keep restricting virtual-life "surfing" and expanding real-life human experiences.
Use meditation to help you make the change!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Police raided Kermits lily pad and found 100s of nude pictures of Miss Piggy. They said it was the worst case of frogs porn (frog spawn) ever seen.
Very Interesting Article
Buying happiness | BusinessWorld Online Edition.
Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment | Edit
The Best Place in The World? How About A Happy Holiday Here?
Trying to get tickets to see an Elvis tribute band, but when I phone it keeps saying press 1 for the money 2 for the show.......
Here is a way that is easy to do, simple to use and works very well to make you Happy!
The first, and most important step is to realise that Happiness is a choice. You must make up your mind to BE HAPPY. Make your mind up that Happiness is the way for you. At present you are a baby with no control over what happens to you. But as you grow in your Happiness training you learn how you can control how you look at, feel about and react to things. You will become the pilot flying your mind to where you want it to go. The only place you will land your plane is at Happiness airport.
Step two: Know what to ignore. You must make a decision at the start of EVERY day. You must say to yourself: I’m not going to let anybody or anything spoil my day.
Step three: Travel light, meaning forgive a lot and get rid of all hurt and bitterness towards people and past events.
Join The Happy People. Bookmark this page, NOW! Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy
Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment
A boy is going through the family photo album. When he comes to his parents wedding photos, he says:
And this is the day that Mummy came to work for us!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Make A New Life For Yourself! At this moment in time we have a treasure chest of opportunity available. With the internet we have near-unlimited information at our fingertips, we can have children who are healthy and safe, and we have wealth and possessions beyond what most of the world can only dream of. It’s all there for us. If only you can learn to handle it all WISELY.

So what is the problem? In a word -EVERYTHING! We are more stressed than we have ever been. Most of us are profoundly unhappy. Despite the power of prosperity, lots of people are anxious, depressed or fearful of the future. We have cars and computers and houses and mobiles and hundreds of goodies. Our homes are full of things that we want BUT our desire to get still more puts up a persistent pressure that is pushing us to the edge of a precipice.

How can we stay sane in a world that has gone mad?

You must find a place of peace. One where the babbling of advertising and greed materialism dies down. Where you can just be yourself. Where you can decide the difference between what you want and what you really need to be happy. Perhaps you cannot have everything that you want, but you can get everything that you will ever need to be truly happy. Where you can drop out of the frantic rat race to get everything. And pick the things that will make you and yours truly happy. This place of peace is found by Meditating.

Join The Happy People! Bookmark this site NOW!

Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment

Friday, 11 November 2011

How To Have A Happy Christmas!
Boy: If I saw you naked, I'd die happy!
Girl: If I saw you naked, I'd die laughing!
Put An End To Depression And Anxiety! Human bodies are designed for regular physical activity. The lazy way of much of modern life probably plays a massive part in many people suffering from depression today. Many studies show that many depressed patients who start aerobic exercise improve as much as those treated with medication. Exercise also appears to prevent depression and improve mood in healthy people. Many exercise forms — aerobic, yoga, weights, walking, running and more — have been shown to benefit depression.
Typical therapeutic exercise programs last for eight to 14 weeks of 3 to 4 sessions per week, of at least 20 minutes each. But you will find results as soon as you start exercising. If you suffer depression and anxiety disorders, exercise of more moderate intensity, like brisk walking, are more successful than more vigorous activities.
A lot of people prefer exercise that occurs in the course of doing some productive activity such as gardening, bicycling to work, doing home improvement projects and so on. They find it far easier to stick to activities like this than to lifting weights or running on a treadmill.
Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment | Edit
Boy: Give me your phone number! Girl: It's in the phone book! Boy: Great! What's your name? Girl: That's in the phone book too!
Man: I'd go to the end of the world for you!
Woman: Yes. But would you stay there?
Man: What's your sign? Girl: No entry!
When you make loving and caring for others the story of your life then there is never a final chapter. The joy continues on always, page after page.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

(Click link to read full post)Have Weekend Fun Every Day! Research has shown that people in general are happiest on Fridays. The reasons are obvious. Friday is usually pay day. The following two days are Saturday and Sunday, and all workers get to sleep past late, put their feet up and let their hair down, and weekends are usually the time for fun. Everybody wishes every day felt like Friday. And The Happy people make every day feel like that.

Life is a gift and every day is a little present wrapped with a big ribbon that brings a huge smile to your face. People can spoil their lives by keeping remembering about past hurts and bad memories of things that have happened and that people have done to them. They are also pessimistic about bad things that they imagine will happen in the future.

You must turn your life around and make it a meaningful one. You must get rid of all this baggage. You will be much happier if you travel light. That means you hold on to optimism, forgiveness and a good heart.In other words, your heart must be lightened to allow the force of love to flow in. Your heart consists of the positive feelings that brighten up your life. Learn to Meditate. Whatever your religion the correct Meditation will make your life more meaningful. Meditation will help you make more connection with your higher consciousness. All the joys that Meditation will bring will make every day of your life a FRIDAY. That means you will wake up every morning with a bounce, look out of your window with happiness and optimism for the day in front of you.And you will learn how touch the hearts of friends, relatives and strangers with a magic that makes them glad that you have walked into their lives.
Have Weekend Fun Every Day!
Research has shown that people in general are happiest on Fridays. The reasons are obvious. Friday is usually pay day. The following two days are Saturday and Sunday, and all workers get to sleep past late, put their feet up and let their hair down, and weekends are usually the time for fun. Everybody wishes every day felt like Friday. And The Happy people make every day feel like that.

Life is a gift and every day is a little present wrapped with a big ribbon that brings a huge smile to your face. People can spoil their lives by keeping remembering about past hurts and bad memories of things that have happened and that people have done to them. They are also pessimistic about bad things that they imagine will happen in the future.

You must turn your life around and make it a meaningful one. You must get rid of all this baggage. You will be much happier if you travel light. That means you hold on to optimism, forgiveness and a good heart.In other words, your heart must be lightened to allow the force of love to flow in. Your heart consists of the positive feelings that brighten up your life. Learn to Meditate. Whatever your religion the correct Meditation will make your life more meaningful. Meditation will help you make more connection with your higher consciousness. All the joys that Meditation will bring will make every day of your life a FRIDAY. That means you will wake up every morning with a bounce, look out of your window with happiness and optimism for the day in front of you.And you will learn how touch the hearts of friends, relatives and strangers with a magic that makes them glad that you have walked into their lives.
Boy to girl: I want you to tell me everything about yourself! Your dreams and ambitions, your struggles, your phone number!
What looks like half a cat? The other half!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Put A Smile On Your Face! NOW! Smile, you’re on Candid Camera! That seems to be the lesson of a new study by psychologists at the University of Virginia. They found that both male and female students who smiled more intensely in their Facebook profile photos were not only more satisfied with their lives as students, but also more satisfied with their lives several years later.
(Seder, P. & Oishi, S., “Intensity of Smiling in Facebook Photos Predicts Future Life Satisfaction)”
Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment
More About Happiness And Money! Great way to get your Xmas happiness spirit started. AND make money. Put your stuff on ebay or do a car boot sale. Go to link for article:

Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop stress, Uncategorized, Wealth | Tagged Depression, Happiness, Karma, Meditation, Peace | Leave a comment
Money Versus Happiness Debate! When choosing an idea for a small business, it’s better to look for something that brings happiness rather than wealth, the founder and chairman of Boston Beer Co. Inc. said today.

Getting rich is “life’s big booby prize” and something that Jim Koch said he consciously chose not to chase when he started the brewery that produces Sam Adams beers.

“The chances of a small business making you really wealthy are quite small, but the chances of a small business giving me a life that I truly enjoy, becoming happy, I got a really good shot at that,” Mr. Koch said. “That’s how I ended doing what I do. I’ve really enjoyed myself. AND I’ve made a lot of money.”
‘What good is happiness if it cannot buy you money?’ - Attributed To Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Money can't buy you happiness!
If you think money can't buy happiness, you don't know where to shop!
These statements go against each other. So which advice do you follow? The correct advice is none.
You should join us at The Happy People! We believe that you should have BOTH MONEY AND HAPPINESS.
Go to our main site at:
Look at these Happy Places to live ! We're not in the Top Ten! We must change this!
Join The Happy People!

Monday, 7 November 2011

They say a man's car shows his true personality. The problem is that I ride a bike!
Get Happier Now And You’ll Live Longer! Happy people don’t just have more enjoyment and feel happier more often. They’re also likely to live longer, too. A new study has established this. Of course, it’s possible that people who died sooner weren’t as happy because they were ill or bec......Read more at...
Are You A Happy Woman? Find Out Now! Go To:
Real Life Rewards Of Meditation!
Posted on November 7, 2011 by happinessguru
Previous research on meditation has shown that it aids in lowering blood pressure, improves immune system and brain function and minimizes pain sensitivity. A new study shows what exactly it is about meditation that seems to have these beneficial effects.

Different effects of meditation helps us in different ways according to the study. For example, regulation of attention may help us be extra-aware of our bodily state. And by being aware of our bodies, we are able to recognize the emotions we are currently experiencing, researchers said.

Previous research from Holzel has shown that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain, especially in the brain regions that control our sense of self, stress, memory and emotions. These new results show that learning how to meditate correctly will give you control over your confidence, stress and happiness!

In this study, published earlier this year in the journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, researchers looked at brain images of 16 people who participated in an eight-week meditation for stress reduction program.
What is the difference between a sperm and a traffic warden? A sperm has 1 in a million chance of becoming a human being!
What do you do if a bird craps on your car?
Don't ask her out again!
Steve Jobs Meditated Now, we can add another fact to the legacy of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs: Since his death on Oct. 5, the famously private man’s spiritual side has become an open book.

A relative recounted his last words for The New York Times. A new biography traces his early quest for enlightenment and lifelong use of Zen Buddhism. Everyone from ABC News to India Today has pondered the link between his religious interests and business acumen.

Posted in Happiness, Health, Love, Merseyside-uk, Peace, stop str

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Start Being Happy Now! To succeed using positive psychology is to keep practising, and then choose to be happy. Successes will come. That’s what it means to choose happiness. Even if you don’t have a lot of money now, it’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You can still be happy.Start Being Happy Now!
Here are the happiness questions that Cameron will ask you
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Stop looking for problems. Just go for it!
Read about The HAPPIEST Woman In USA
If your wife wants to learn how to drive, don't stand in her way!
The garage couldn't fix my brakes. So they have made my horn louder!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Meditate? Why?
Posted on November 5, 2011 by happinessguru
You NEED Meditation. Why? Because nobody deserves your love and compassion more than you do. Every time you see or feel suffering, every time you make a mistake or say something stupid and are just about to put yourself down, every time you think of someone you are having a hard time with, every time you encounter the confusion and difficulty of being human, every time you see someone else struggling, upset, or irritated, you can stop and bring love, kindness and Go to
Join Heart, Mind And Body Into One Powerful Force! You must learn how to address heart, mind, and body and to join them with one other. A dream to be happy is required, but, instead of waiting for your dreams to come true before you can be happy, be happy first and watch your dreams come true as a result!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

If you want to avoid getting parking tickets, take the windscreen wipers off your car!
Do you want to save money on petrol? Drive everywhere in reverse!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The unknown is scary, I do understand that. But lots of times, people use that unknown scariness to halt them from pursuing their dreams and goals.
Give yourself permission to try.

Give yourself permission to fail.

Give yourself permission to learn new beliefs, new attitudes and new behaviours.

Then you will see yourself growing more, enjoying more and achieving more.
Do you float through life, from one buzz to the next, enjoying every moment of it ? If not, start now, get out of your own way and go for it!
Being happy is a great way of being wise.
Do You Want To Change Your Bad Luck For Good?
Are you having a bit of bad luck lately? This can be caused by bad Karma building up. You can change this by building up some good Karma. Here is a good guideline to get you going: Do all of the good you can, to everybody you can, in every way you can!…-luck-for-good/
Man to butcher: Do you have a sheep's head?
Butcher to man: No! It's just the way I comb my hair!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Did you hear about the cannibal who went on a diet. He only eats midgets!
A butcher backed into a bacon slicer. He got a little behind in his orders!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Meditation To Examine Past And Future Lives!
Meditation has many different uses. It can be used for health purposes (mental and physical) or for simple relaxation. Meditation can also be used to develop psychic abilities. The best thing that you can use it for is to break a chain of bad Karma. You may be suffering from bad Karma in this lifetime. Perhaps you are suffering from depression, hopelessness and failure. This means that in your next life you will be even worse off. You will be reborn at an even lower level If you don’t change your Karma. More at

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Right Meditation Will Change Your Karma. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. It has been a way of life for uncountable people.. Tests have been done all around the world. The scientists have proven, past any reasonable doubt that it will work. Recent research has revealed that it can and does have a deep effect in promoting health, recovery from illness, and creating substantive changes in your life.
So it has been proven that it can completely change your life

Friday, 28 October 2011

A lot of people that I talk to seem to be locked into an unbreakable chaIn of bad feelings, misery and depression. This is usually caused by BAD KARMA IN YOUR LAST LIFETIME. The problem is that living with such bad vibes in this lifetime is piling up bad Karma for your NEXT lifetime. The next time you are reborn you will have a lifetime filled with even more bad feelings, misery and depression than you are having now. Change your Karma. Learn how to change your energy field, enjoy life more and be happier. When you do, this lifetime will become more enjoyable, happier and more successful. NOT ONLY THAT but your NEXT lifetime will be even better..
If you meet all problems full on and as soon as they appear you'll defeat them!
She's having a baby every year so that the youngest one doesn't get spoilt!
Man on phone: Send an ambulance. My wife's in labour.
Operator: Is this her first born?
Man: No! This is her husband!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Don't make small plans! You're just wasting time. Think BIG!
Is your lover letting you down? Money matters mixing you up? Is your life full of problems? START MEDITATING NOW.Do you want a super charged
Success comes from being brave, failure comes from holding back. Go for it, NOW!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

FREE! How To Start Getting What You REALLY Want ! NOW!

Friday, 14 October 2011

New approach to Get What You Really Want blog. Easier for you to use.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

You must learn again how to focus and stay focused . Keep what you want firmly in your mind. Get excited about what it will be like when you’re getting all the things that you want, being the person you want to be and living the sort life that you want to live.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Get What You REALLY Want Now! Por Nada! No Cost! Free! At:

Friday, 30 September 2011

Feeling A Bit Down? For some facts and answers at:

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Facebook friend wanted to win £250,000 on the lottery this week. M was using the Law Of Attraction from Secret by Rhonda Byrnes Does this ALWAYS work read more at
Boyfriend: You look lovely. It must have taken you ages to get ready!
Boyfriend: You look lovely. It must have taken you ages to get ready!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Meditation Flash Mob Liverpool: Wednesday 21 September 2011 St. George's Hall on steps opposite Lime Street Station Time: 5:30PM

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

'The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on.'

Sunday, 18 September 2011

How To Get What You Want.Start now, read more at:

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Get Happy! Eat Yogurt??? Read more at:

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Would you like to lose 10 pounds of ugly fat? Cut your head off!
A house without love is not a home. A being without love is not human.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Love is Happiness! Happiness is Love! Learn how, now at website:
Start NOW! Get what you want Part 4

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Why do bears wear fur coats? Because they can't get anoraks to fit them!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Have you ever had one of those pure MAGIC moments when somebody gives you a surprise hug from behind and when you turn around IT IS PURE HEAVEN.
There is an enormous amount of sheer joy in looking for happiness. This comes from the unbelievable amount fun, pleasure and bzz you have while you;re looking. Try it.
When can a woman tell that her man is planning for the future? When starts buying 2 cases of beer instead of one!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Train hard, win easy!
Today is FUNDAY!
How do you make a man stop biting his nails?
Make him wear shoes!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Man to wife: I'm going to make you the happiest woman in the world!
Wife to man: I'm gonna miss you.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

What is sixty feet long and smells of wee?
The front row at a Justin Bieber concert!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Judge to drunk: You've been brought here for drinking
Drunk to Judge: Right! Let's get started!
Everything you said to Vincent Van Goch went in one ear and back out the same one!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Boy: I've got a body like a Greek God.
Girlfriend: Buddha is not a GREEK God.
A Horse goes into a pub and the barman says
"Hey mate, Why the Long Face?"

Friday, 2 September 2011

A copy of the Beatles hit single Please Please Me signed on both sides by all four members of the band has fetched £9,000 at auction in Liverpool.
The 1963 record was sold by a Liverpool woman who asked the group to sign it after listening to them at the city's Cavern venue as a youngster.

The "very, very rare" item was among 322 lots at the annual Beatles memorabilia auction.
Are you getting what you want? Part 2. Read more at

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Are you getting exactly what you want in your life?
If not, why not?

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Happiness Must Come First! But why?
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Friday, 26 August 2011

Is this the YOUNGEST member of The Happy People?
Few women will admit their age, and even fewer men act their age.
Stop Stress before it kills you! Find out how at
Stop Stress before it kills you! Find out how at
Happiness Equals Love! and, of course, Love Equals Happiness. Read more at

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Honest people are Happier!
Read Stay Happy! Stay Legal! at
Wish somebody you love all the love, peace and happiness they could possibly want. DO IT TODAY. :-)

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Flowers Make You Happy! Proof? Go to

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Get Happy Instead Of Prozac! The dangers of antidepressants. The drug of choice of killer. More at:

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Help somebody and Get Happy! Read blog at: and bookmark site!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Get Happy and stay Happy All Day Go to: and read my article Be Happy, Eat Right!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Man: Have you any rat poison?
Chemist: Have you tried Boot's?
Man: I want to poison them not kick them to death

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

A loving heart is the beginning of happiness. Join The Happy People!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Stop Depression, Get Happy! Part 2. Join The Happy People. Go to: Bookmark and follow it.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Stop Depression, Get Happy! Join The Happy People . Read more at
Message me at Tommy Joe McNally (Facebook)

Monday, 1 August 2011

How To Lose Those Monday Blues!
Go to

Thursday, 28 July 2011

struggling to find a reason to smile on Monday Mornings, you are not the only one!

According to researchers, Monday mornings are so depressing that, on average, we don't crack our first smile until 11:16 a.m.

The study by Marmite, the British food spread, also found that half of employees will be late to work, and will only log about three-and-a-half hours of productive work time.

Experts say that our hatred of Mondays is seated in "deep-rooted" tribal instincts. After the weekend, workers need to reconnect to the "tribe" through chatting and spending time in communal areas.

Clinical psychologist Professor Alex Gardner says:

Work could be the best place for you on Monday because we are essentially cavemen in city suits. We want to feel part of the tribe so we go for a cup of tea, catch up and then settle down to work. Having done the tribal bonding, we are geared up for a productive week while some people who have started all guns blazing on a Monday morning may burn themselves out.
Since we have to endure Mondays each and every week, it's important to identify ways to make the most of our emotional health.
The Marmite study found that the the best way to beat those Monday blues is by indulging in activities like watching television, having sex, online shopping, buying chocolate or make-up, or planning a holiday.
So there's the answer to the problem. Find out whether you tend to feel low on Monday or Sunday and use one of the above remedies. I would recommend that if you watch the telly, watch a DVD of your favourite comedy. Don't watch the news. LOL.
Love Peace and Happiness

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Health, wealth and lots of love! Could you really get them? Read my blog over at
Join The Happy People. Bookmark it!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Sorry that I haven't posted for a few days. I hope you spent the time looking back over the stuff that I have already written here. This is important. You must read it, soak it up and make it part of your thinking. As I have already told you, you have to understand the thinking, you have to believe that you can do it and then, and only then, will you get the sort of life that you would really love to have. Keep going over the back posts. And post your questions, comments and criticism. Join The Happy People. Go to and Bookmark it. Love, Peace and Happiness. :-)

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Three Simple Steps To A Perfect Life!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Get involved in Happiness. Read my post at:

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Mother: Why did you fall in the mud with your new trouses on?
Jimmy: I didn't have time to take them off!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Are you getting what you want in life? Are you enjoying it to the full? Start living life at a new level NOW. Read more

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The latest figures show that the part of a car most likely to cause an accident is the nut behind the wheel.
Learn To Enjoy Every Minute

Enjoy every minute you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

Think about it, try it and then do it
Join The Happy People! Go to
Learn To Enjoy Every Minute

Enjoy every minute you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

Think about it, try it and then do it
Join The Happy People! Go to

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Boss: You should have been here at 9 o'clock!
Worker: Why? What happened?

Friday, 1 April 2011

Friends Can Make You Happy Part 2

The Good News

Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler are two social scientist who have examined a large body of work called the Framingham data. They have found some amazing facts. They found that good behaviors — like quitting smoking or staying slender or being happy — pass from friend to friend almost in the same way that the flu does. Your health, happiness and even your lifestyle are all linked to your friends and people whom you mix with. If the people you associate have positive attitudes, have healthy lifestyles and are happy, this will tend to rub off on you. You, too, will have positive attitudes, a healthy lifestyles and be happy.

The Bad News

And the same was true of behaviours that you may not want— groups of friends appeared to “infect” each other with being overweight, unhappiness and smoking.

How Can I Be Healthy, Happy And Positive?

This research is proving that what you achieve in your life, how healthy you are and how happy you feel is strongly linked to the type of people that you mix with. I believe in keeping things very, very simple. Then any message that I give is easy to understand. So here is a simple way to lift your life up to a higher level. So here is how to use these findings.

The Simple Way

Think about all the friends and associates that you mix with. Think about the affects that each of them has on you. Start to spend more time with the ones that have a positive influence on you. Start to spend less time with the people who have a negative influence on you. Keep making steady progress in both areas.

I have set out this very simple plan. BUT it can be very hard to follow.

The Secret

Do a little but do it a lot of times. A very important presupposition of The Happy People is that a SMALL change can make a BIG difference. DO NOT try to make big changes in your life overnight. Make small but steady changes and be determined.
You can find lots of advice on getting what you want out of life if you follow this blog. Just click the follow button on the right.

More soon,
Love, Peace and Hasppiness.

Good FriendS Make You Feel Happy! Part1

A Good Friend Makes You Feel Happy!

But they must be good friends If you are rejected or have your feelings hurt by your friends it is hurts you just as much as if they had hit you. Emotional hurt is the same as physical hurt. They both effect the same areas of the brain. The same parts of the cortex and the dorsal posterior insula are kicked into action by injury to your body or injury to your feelings. And one can be as bad as the other.

What should you do? Be careful whom you make friends with. Friends are very important to your mental and emotional health. You should have as many of them as you can ger. Of the right type! Studies at the University of Michigan, U.S.A show that the wrong type of friends can cause you a lot of emotional damage. If you find that you feel depressed or upset too often by the people whom you mix with, then get rid of them. Get different ones. Ones that support you and make you feel good. Start off with the worse one first.
Doing this will not only give you better relationships, it will also give you a strong feeling of having more control over your own life.

More in depth info on how your relationships effect your mental health, physical health and happiness in Part 2. You will also get lots of good help if you follow this blog. Just click button on the right.

More soon, Love, Peace and Happiness,

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sex Keeps You Healthy, Happy And Humming!

A lot of people spend a lot of time and a lot of effort into getting healthy and staying healthy. They torture themselves with sweaty exercise, starvation diets and stopping smoking. This makes them unhappy. So they stop these things and go back to being unhealthy.

But we’re The Happy People and we have to be Healthy because being healthy is an important part of being Happy. Staying healthy is essential but getting healthy is a drag.

Here is a way that The Happy People have that keeps them healthy, happy and humming all day long!


Researchers have proved that regular sex does wonders for your health. Because making love can slow down the ageing process, boost your immune system.and increase you circulation. And this will give you a longer, healthier and happier life.

And that is what we want. Isn’t it?

Dr David Weeks, clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, says that he found that the most effective way to keep yourslf looking young is to have sex regularly.

Dr Weeks questioned more than 3,500 volunteers aged between 18 and 102. He found that couples who make love three times a week look between four and seven years younger than those who have less sex.

(I think he should have asked the 102 year olds what they were eating lol)

The study shows that sex is an excellent aerobic exercise because it raises the heart beat and pumps oxygen around the body which improves the immune system, boosts circulation and keeps you lean.

More soon,

Love, Peace and Happiness,


Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sex In The Morning!

Would you like to have a day full of Healthy, Happy and Positive feelings?
Of course you would. One of the ways that you can set yourself up for the day, is to make love first thing in the morning!
The scientists say that it will kick off a very strong flow of hormones.
These hormones will make you happier, healthier and upbeat.
They also give you glossier hair, clear skin and stronger nails.
And they boost your immune system and stop you getting ill.
And you might even start to enjoy it. LOL
More soon,
Love Peace and Happiness,

Brits Are Happier Being Obese!

More than Americans, at least. Although we are way down in the world list of happy people, we are happier than the Americans. In some things, anyhow.
A Harris Interactive Poll found that more obese Americans (21%) would like to lose weight than obese Brits (15%).
But more Brits (19%) wished they were young again compared to Americans (12%). In America more men (46%) wanted to be rich compared to women (38%). In the U.K, it was the other way around. More women than men wanted to be rich

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

More Meditation, Part 5, Get Started
Posted on March 9, 2011 by happinessguru

Getting started! Please let me remind you about what I wrote in my last post :

”When I’m stuck in traffic, instead of gripping the steering wheel and getting upset, I might look through the skylight of my little car and count clouds or watch the birds flying,” he said. Already, Hresko said, his high blood pressure has fallen, and he has more energy. And does he feel mentally and emotionally better?

”Oh, my God, yes,” he said.

Remember Mr. Hresko had only been doing these simple exercises for SIX weeks. High blood pressure is called the Silent Killer. As well as causing lot of deaths, it can cause lots of of other serious health problems. The medication used to treat high blood pressure can be very nasty to take. And most people have to take them for the rest of their LIFE.

Yet here is this man, using the simplest of mental exercises, curing himself. Let’s hope he carried on and cleared his problem altogether!


The following exercise is a GREAT exercise to get you started. It WILL do the job for you. If you were on one of my classes, I would start you off at more powerful level. I could do this because I would be there to answer any questions that you might have.
To meditate:

Pick a word or short phrase to rest your mind on. Pick one that has an emotional, positive meaning for you. Love, Peace, Happiness, Calmness (No! Don’t pick money LOL)

Sit quietly in a comfortable chair.

Close your eyes and relax all your muscles . Scalp, face, neck etc. All in turn all the way down to your feet.

Breathe slowly and naturally. Each time you breathe out, say your chosen word or phrase silently inside your head as you breathe out.

Don’t worry about how well you are doing. When your mind drifts off , and it will many, many times, do NOT get bothered or upset. Just breathe in and as you breathe out silently say your word or phrase to yourself. I know that this part will be a problem for you. Your mind WILL drift. Here is a very rough guideline. If you can do five breaths in a row without thinking about something else, you are doing O.K.

Continue doing this for 10 minutes. Work up to 20 minutes if you can.

Try to do it every day. Twice a day if you can.

KEEP at it. I will come back to this post and enlarge on it in a future post.

Keep reading the blog!

Love, Peace and Happiness,


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

More Meditation......Part 4

Among the studies was one by Massachusetts General Hospital researchers. They scanned the brains of 20 people who meditated regularly. These people had four regions of cortex -- the rind of the brain, associated with higher functions like memory and decision making -- that were thicker than in people who didn't meditate. In addition, the researchers found signs that one area of the cortex seemed to show less signs of aging than it did in people who didn't meditate. The scientists are now looking at how this all improves how people behave
The findings ''prove that changes in brain structure are caused by meditation," said Sara Lazar, of Harvard University.

In other Harvard researchers reported that by using a device that can analyze every breath a person exhales, they could objectively measure the depth of relaxation a person had achieved. People who reached deeper states of relaxation exhaled more nitric oxide, a gas known to relax the smooth muscles in arteries, and aid blood flow.

''Our results provide evidence of how meditation and other mind/body approaches might lower blood pressure," said Jeffery A. Dusek, the study's lead author. ''In the near future, it may even be possible to use our new technique to determine an effective 'dose' of meditation for a given person, or to identify how individuals can get the most benefits from meditation."

Another new study, from the University of Kentucky, found that meditation could offset the effects of sleep deprivation better than a nap. Researchers tested volunteers on a button-pressing speed task, and found that even new meditators improved their performance more after 40 minutes of meditation than after a 40-minute nap. Meditation helped even after a full night of sleep deprivation, the study found.

And Buddhist monks have demonstrated yet again that meditation can give them extraordinary powers of mind, according to work by Olivia Carter, also of Harvard.

Her team tested the powers of concentration of 76 Tibetan monks, by showing them different images in each eye. Normally, people's brains flip between the two images every 2.5 seconds. But the monks averaged about four seconds per eye, and one monk reported focusing on one of the images for 723 seconds
Scientists want to understand the experiences of Philip Hresko, a 63-year-old Boston architect who began meditating six weeks ago at the Mind/Body Medical Institute out of concern for his heart health. Along with more prolonged techniques, he said, he has been learning to meditate when he gets any spare time.

''When I'm stuck in traffic, instead of gripping the steering wheel and getting upset, I might look through the skylight of my little car and count clouds or watch the birds flying," he said. Already, Hresko said, his high blood pressure has fallen, and he has more energy. And does he feel mentally and emotionally better?

''Oh, my God, yes," he said.

More soon about easy, simple basic exercises that you, just like Philip Hresko (see above) can do to get some of these benefits.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Monday, 7 March 2011

More Meditation......Part 3

As the power of meditation was being studied during the 1970s and 1980s, researchers were looking mainly for physical effects, such as blood pressure and heart benefits.
Now they are looking at the effects on the brain. And they are looking at the important effects that meditation has on the way you think AND how you can use it to bring more benefits into your life. I will write about some of these benefits in my next post. Then I will set out some basic, simple and easy to do instructions for you to try if you want these benefits.
More soon,
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

More Meditation......Part 2

Over 60 percent of people going to the doctor are suffering from problems that are caused by stress.

Neuroscientists and psychologists at Universities and research centres all over the world are working to come up with answers to these problems.

While some of the most amazing studies have used monks who were experts at meditation, the new research also proves that ordinary people can get great results by using small levels of meditation in every day life.

Serious research on meditation now includes hundreds of studies examining its possible benefits. Three of five researchers on a panel about meditation at a Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington, D.C., were from world famous American university Harvard.

In recent years, academic researchers are seeking to find hard facts. They have found that meditation will provide a lot of benefits. Meditation will lift depression, it will relieve pain and it will help to fight flu. And these are only some of the things that it will do.

Researchers say that that their aim to improve the quality of the research, using new tools and better methods, to prove the power that meditation has to help people to really improve their lives.
More soon,
Love Peace and Happiness

Thursday, 3 March 2011

More Meditation will improve YOUR Life!

Neuroscientists are finding more and more ways to build up the power of the brain. To give you more control over it. Of course the more control you have the better you can use it to bring you the things that you want in your life.
Things like Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Neuroscientists' research shows that Meditation is the most powerful tool or skill to have, if you want to develop your mental control over your life. Meditation has been shown to increase your concentration, it gives you more control over your emotions and it even builds up important parts of your brain.

Neuroscientists presenting their latest research at a convention of 34,000 colleagues recently recommended meditation to help stopping the way the brain deteriorates as it gets older.
Their work fits into a growing body of data that brings modern science and age-old methods to control the mind. They are touting the health benefits of meditative practices.
Now, using the latest high-tech tools of neuroscience and biochemistry, they are finding out how those benefits work. And increasingly, they are focusing on how meditation may help not only the body but the brain.
More about this soon.
Love, Peace and Happiness

Monday, 21 February 2011

A Happy Dog Is A Happy YOU!

Research at the University of Porto, Portugal have found that DOGS have an amazing psychic link with human beings. That means you and me.
They can 'read' your emotional state and react to it. This is called 'Emotional Contagion'. Dr. Karina Silva tested this by getting dog owners to act distressed. Their pets also started to show distress. I know this is true and you can test it if you have a dog.
Put your hands up to your face and pretend to cry and see if your dog reacts. Most will do react and show distress.
If you don't have a dog ask a friend who does to try it.
If you show a dog that you are happy to see it, it will quickly show that it is happy to see you. But you already know this, don't you?
(Let me repeat that: If you show a dog that you are happy to see it, it will quickly show that it is happy to see you. But you already know this, don't you?
My point is that you know this but you are not aware of the happiness quality that is all around you. It is EEEZZZ to get happy if you know how.)
Here is a SIMPLE exercise for you.
The next time you know that you are going to see your dog shortly. Perhaps you are going home. Think about the moment your dog sees you. How will it act? Makes you feel warm, doesn't it? When you see it, make a great fuss. This feels even better, doesn't it? Keep it going. Roll, tickle, scratch and rub. This has to make you happy. And your dog. Try to judge who is having the most, happy fun.
If you don't have dog, do it with a friend's dog. Or a neighbour's. LOL
If you're having a bad day, there is the remedy. Right at your feet. Bend down and GET HAPPY!
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

How Happy Are YOU? Part 2

It is very hard to say exactly what happiness is. It can be many things to many people. It has many levels of meaning from mild contentment to being deliriously happy. It can cover all areas of your life.
In my last post, I wrote that the downside of life was when you were feeling sad, lonely and disappointed. This brings to my mind a picture of a person who has no excitement, nothing to look forward to, nothing to get them out of bed in the morning
So,for now, shall we say that when you are bubbling with excitement, can't wait to get out of bed in the morning and really looking forward to tomorrow, that would be real happiness for you.
That's what you will be going for. And, if you only get half way there, you'll be really pleased, won't you? lol
More soon.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

How Happy Are You?

People do not seem to have an awareness of how happy they are in the present moment. If you ask yourself: Am I happy? You have to think about it for a moment before you know. Don't you?
You are not like that with your other emotional states. You are well aware when you are sad, you are well aware when you are disappointed and you are well aware when you are lonely. And when you are aware of sadness, disappointment or loneliness, you have the ability to dwell on those feelings. You can dwell on them for long periods. You can wallow in them until they take over your whole life. Perhaps you will not admit to being like that yourself, but you certainly know somebody who spends their whole life complaining, don't you?
Why is happiness different? When you are happy, why doesn't it have the power that other emotions have. Why can't you dwell on it and make it last for long periods? Why can't you wallow in it and let it take over your whole life?
Isn't that a nice thought? Wallowing in HAPPINESS all day, every day, for ever.
Perhaps it's sounds impossible right now BUT we can certainly give a real try.
Happiness seems to come at odd moments. Sometimes you expect it and it lets you down. Other times it comes when you least expect it, for no reason.
You can't make it come, you can't dwell on it and increase the strength of the feeling and you can't make it last.
You can't right now BUT we are going to change all that. We will look at what happiness really is in my next post.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Love Is Great

Just what you need on Valentine's Day! Just what the doctor ordered. It's a bit long but good stuff. Just click below.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Proof Of Life After Death

Four year old Colton Burpo's amazing experience. Read about it at:

Stop Being Depressed Start Feeling Happy

More and more people are suffering from depression. In the UK the numbers are now at new record levels. A group called the New Economics Foundations keeps records of reported happiness levels in countries all over the world. Surprisingly, Costa Rica, which we would consider a poor, backward country is the happiest place in the world. The UK is at number 13! And things here are getting worse. And the prospects for the future, as set out by the government, are even more depressing.
So, what can you do if you are one of this growing group of people? If your life now, or in the near future looks sad, unhappy or depressing?
Well, you could go to the doctor. You will:
1) Be sent to a therapist of some sort.
2) Or be put on anti-depressant drugs.
3) Or you will end up with 1) AND 2).
The thing about these treatments is that they are not very satisfactory. Most people say that therapy is not strong enough and it takes too long to deliver only weak results. Some of the drugs make people feel worse than the depression did. And, even if the treatments do work, the depression could come back again at a later date.
Of course some people are suffering severe depression and do really need the therapy. It is most important that you do go to your doctor for advice. He will tell you how severe your depression is.
One of the main complaints depressed people report is that they feel no control over their lives. And this is what I am talking about. Taking control of your life. Whatever caused your depression, no matter how long you’ve had it, no matter how bad you feel, taking more control of your life can, should and WILL HELP.
When you start, immediately, you will start to feel confidence in yourself, your ability to deal with your problems and your future.
And this is what The Happy People is for. To teach you how to learn how to control your life, how to avoid depression, loneliness and unhappiness.
I can’t do all of this in a short article like this, but, if you become one of The Happy People then you will get all the knowledge, tools and learning that you will need. ALL FREE!
What I can do, right now, is give you a very basic, simple and easy to use exercise to get you started.
Here are the
1) Get a pen and notebook. It is a well known fact that writing things down gives them weight, importance and real meaning. This is the secret power of this exercise. Do not start without a pen and notebook. Do not try to do it in your head. If you do you will fail.
2) Write down a list of 5 things that depress you.
3) Write down a list of 5 things that make you feel happy.
4) Pick one item off each list.
5) Start doing the item that depresses you LESS often.
6) Start doing the item that makes you happy MORE often.
7) You must do this every day that you can and keep a WRITTEN record of this.

That’s it! Plain and simple! Almost too simple!
BUT it works, it has worked for thousands of people and it will work for YOU!
Here are some tips:
A) Only work on ONE item from each list.
B) Because you are new to this, pick an easy one. One you think will be easy for you to succeed with.
C) If you find it isn’t working for one item. Read C) again and pick a different one.
D) If it seems hard to do, start working harder at it. It will work but you must work too
E) Any problems, contact me.
Join The Happy People NOW!