Here is a link I posted a few days ago. If you haven't read it yet, please read it now.
I am going to discuss several important points that he makes. Here is the one that I want mention:-
"The first, as Schwarz points out, is the forgetting: knowing there's a simple fix doesn't mean you'll remember it when you need to."
This is of tremendous important. We have all had this experience. You make up your mind that, in future, you will NEVER do a certain thing again. Have too much alcohol, smoke a cigarette, eat chocolate. Whatever!
However, suddenly you find yourself half way through doing it again! Your plan has crumpled.
This is a a key point in all plans for self improvement.
All those plans, promises and vows you made to yourself just slip your mind. You forget about them.
There is a lot of wise, old sayings for this. Such as:
If you fall off the horse, you have to get back on.
This may work with horse riders but it doesn't seem to work with people who want to make changes in their
Nearly everybody who wants to make improvements
in their lives, falls into the 'just forgot for a moment' trap.
BUT they don't get back on the horse. They give up. There are many complicated reasons for this. The behaviours that I mention. Alcohol, overeating and smoking may be very simple behaviours but they are very powerful. The roots are buried deep inside you.
There are physical, mental and social connections.
They are buried deep inside your psyche and you have to be able to go down to that level in order to stop them. Your plans to make all changes in your life, all your plans for more health, wealth and lots of love, have to be at that level.
There are ways to make this happen. Ways to embed your plans, wishes and desires deep inside your persona.
They will not just be easily forgotten thoughts in your head.
They will be strong forces working deep inside you all the time.
They will be a real part of you.
The real you.
The new, real you.
The first, as Schwarz points out, is the forgetting: knowing there's a simple fix doesn't mean you'll remember it when you need to.
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