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Monday, 28 September 2009

Part 3: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Real Life Lesson

Here is another event that Terry witnessed on a movie set while working with Arnold.
As usual Arnold was making sure that his friends shared his good luck. He had got as many as possible work on his current movie.
One of these friends was causing trouble and had started a feud with one of the film studio's camera crew. This friend was a massive, internationally known bodybuilder and was bullying the worker. Because of the massively muscled bulk of this six foot six bodybuilder, the cameraman was terrified. He told his boss that he was walking out on his job. His boss told Arnold.
Now the bodybuilder was a very close friend of Arnold, they had shared many good times over many years and
Arnold was now looking after him by getting him top paid work on all his movies.
This was a bit of bother that Arnold did not need in the delicate business of making a movie. But because of their close, personal, long time friendship Arnold just told him to stop messing about. But the bodybuilder again gave the man a hard time. Arnold gave him a strict telling off, that he was supposed to be Arnold's friend but here he was causing him problems and that a silly personal dislike was interferring with business. Because Arnold had got him the job, it looked bad on him and he told him that there would be trouble if there was any more of it.
But the bodybuilder, obviously relying on his and Arnold's close friendship, carried on the bullying.
Arnold called him in and said that he had caused too much trouble and that he was fired off that movie and that he would never work on one of Arnold's movies again. But, because there had been no personal problem between them, he still considered him a friend and would continue to get him work in other peoples' films. This was a promise that Arnold kept. His friend got bigger and better parts in films. But not Arnold's. There are several lessons here.
You must not allow people to stop you or cause you problems when you are working on your plan, your vision or your dream.
This situation WILL arise. Believe me. To EVERY one of you. I will write about this soon. It is very important.
Arnold did not get angry although his friend did. He just did what was necessary and kept his promise to his friend to get him work.
More soon.

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