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Saturday, 30 June 2012
Meditation will make you better at multitasking.
When you multitask, you’re often running in so many different directions, it’s hard to do one thing well. Here’s how to multitask with a clear mind.If you need to do some serious multitasking, some training in meditation beforehand could make the work smoother and less stressful, new research from the University of Washington shows. And who wouldn’t want that?
Research suggests that meditation training can help people working with information stay on tasks longer with fewer distractions and also improves memory and reduces stress. Here’s how to quickly focus your mind on the one thing you really need or want to do:
Stop. As soon as you realize you are multitasking, stop. In other words, learn to interrupt the interruptions.
Clear. Now take a moment to untask. To untask, try something silly, you can do a little dance, jump up and down, sing a song, or even scream. The important thing is to get in the habit (as soon as you catch yourself multitasking) of giving yourself a complete mental pause. Think of this as pressing the reset button on your brain.
Choose. Now that you have untasked, ask yourself, “What do I really want to do (or have to do) right now?” You might need to wait a few seconds before getting an answer. Or you might find that the answer pops into your mind immediately. Now that you have cleared your mind of other…………….
Read the FULL great article at:
(I’ll bet you’re glad you didn’t have to type that URL out LOL)
Why not join The Happy People. It’s FREE! Just follow the blog at and help spread our message of Love, Wealth and Happiness. Share the posts there with your friends.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Happy, Loving Friends make you HAPPY.!
If You REALLY want to be happy, get GOOD friends
But they have to be GOOD friends. They must be sensible, upbeat and most of all, have good intentions towards you. This last one is very important. Because if they hurt your feelings, or if they reject you, it will hurt you just as much as if they had hit you with a punch. Emotional hurt is the same as physical hurt. They both effect the same areas of the brain. The cortex and the dorsal posterior insula, are two very powerful areas of your brain, They are both kicked into action by injury to your body or injury to your emotions. And one is as bad as the other. You wouldn’t let a friend punch you in your face and you mustn’t let them punch you in your feelings.
What should you do?
Friends are very important to your mental and emotional health. You should have as many of them as you can get. But they must be the right type! Loads of research has been done that show that the wrong type of friends can cause you a lot of mental harm. If you find that you are made to feel angry, depressed or upset by your friends, then get rid of them. Get different ones. That is the simple simple solution. It is very easy to say, understand and believe BUT not so easy to do in real life. You must have lots and lots of good friends. Ones that support you, ones that make you feel good and ones that you enjoy being in the company of. You must build up the number of them in your life.
And you must start cutting down on the other type. The ones that are always moaning, make you feel depressed or put you down. Start off with the worse one first. Start spending less time with them. And, if possible avoiding them altogether. This can be very difficult to do. Particularly if they live next door, are members of your family or you are married to them! LOL!
Some people you can’t avoid. You have to teach them how to become better friends. But that will be another another lesson, in an other article and on another day! LOL!
Following the above plan will not only give you better relationships, it will also give you a strong feeling of having more control over your own life and you will develop more self-confidence. You will be happier in yourself and with yourself.
Why will this plan work for me?
Many, many neuroscientist who have examined a large body of work called the Framingham data have found some amazing facts. They found that good behaviours — like quitting smoking or staying slender or being happy —is passed from friend to friend almost in the same way that the ‘flu does. Your health, happiness and even your lifestyle are all linked to your friends and people whom you mix with. If the people you associate have positive attitudes, have healthy lifestyles and are happy, this will tend to rub off on you. You, too, will have positive attitudes, a healthy lifestyles and be happy. Which means that you could (drum roll) become more successful and healthier as well as happier.
The Bad News
The bad news from the Framingham Report is that it works in both directions.And the same was true of all behaviours. You will pick up all sorts of behaviours that are unhelpful, unwanted and even harmful. The Report shows that over and over again. That groups of friends can “infect” each other with being overweight, unhappiness and smoking.
Just so you fully understand this POWERFUL, POWERFUL lesson:
You Want To Be Healthy, Happy And Positive?
Then you must absorb the lessons above. This research is proving that what you achieve in your life, how healthy you are and how happy you feel is strongly linked to the type of people that you mix with. I believe in keeping things very, very simple. Then any message that I give is easy to understand. So here is a simple way to lift your life up to a higher level. Here, again, is how to use these findings.
The Simple Way
Think about all the friends and associates that you mix with. Think about the affects that each of them has on you. Start to spend more time with the ones that have a positive influence on you. Start to spend less time with the people who have a negative influence on you. Keep making steady progress in both areas.
As I said above this is a very simple plan. BUT it can be very hard to follow.
So What Is The Secret Of Success?
Do a little but do it all the time, as and when you can. A very important presupposition of The Happy People is that a SMALL change can make a BIG difference. DO NOT try to make big changes in your life overnight. Make small but steady changes and be determined. Make GENTLE progress. You want to EASE negative people out of your life. Not turn them into eneemies.
Or you could become one of The Happy People and associate yourself with other people who want to have lots of GOOD relationships, be successful and enjoy every moment of their lives. It’s totally FREE. Just follow this blog. Easier still follow it by email.
More soon, Love, Peace and Happiness.
{love and happiness} (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Why Should You Be Happy?
Do you think that wanting to be happy is a waste of time, foolish and unrealistic?
If so you are wrong!
Being a happy person will help you stop falling ill, help you recover from illness and help you to have a longer, fuller life. Yes, being happy will keep you healthy. Nobody wants to have a longer life if it is full of misery, aches and petty illnesses.
If You Want To Be Happy
Research keeps showing more and more evidence that having a happy outlook will help you to be healthy AND happy.
Here is just one example. Two researchers, Thuston and Kubzansky and studied 6,000 men and women for 20 years.
They reported that : ”….-a sense of enthusiasm, hopefulness, engagement of life, and the ability to face life’s stresses with emotional balance reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”
Happiness Is Health Is Happiness
I’ve been writing about happiness bringing good health so far. Let’s look at the other side of the coin. Being healthy makes you feel happy.
That’s right! Being healthy makes you happy AND being happy makes you healthy, as we’ve seen above.
I have many articles on my blog that discuss the effects that exercise and keeping fit have on your happiness level. You don’t have don’t have to become a fitness freak to get this bonus. Scientists who have studied the effect that exercise has on feelings of well being came up with this fact. If you are feeling low ten (yes, ten) minutes of exercise will change your mood. There is no need to kill yourself either. Brisk walking will do the trick.
It will also lower your cholesterol level, reduce emotional stress and improve your blood pressure. But let me add, although you need only light exercise to show big improvements in your life, the more you exercise the happier you will become.
What Should You Do?
Fitness and happiness obviously play a big part in what would be a perfect lifestyle. So start building them up until they are a part of your daily life. Become one of The Happy People! It’s FREE! Just follow this blog at:
And, PLEASE, share the ideas you find here with your friends. Be Happy!
Love, Wealth and Happiness,
{love and happiness} (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Why Should You Be Happy?
Do you think that wanting to be happy is a waste of time, foolish and unrealistic?
If so you are wrong!
Being a happy person will help you stop falling ill, help you recover from illness and help you to have a longer, fuller life. Yes, being happy will keep you healthy. Nobody wants to have a longer life if it is full of misery, aches and petty illnesses.
If You Want To Be Happy
Research keeps showing more and more evidence that having a happy outlook will help you to be healthy AND happy.
Here is just one example. Two researchers, Thuston and Kubzansky and studied 6,000 men and women for 20 years.
They reported that : ”….-a sense of enthusiasm, hopefulness, engagement of life, and the ability to face life’s stresses with emotional balance reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”
Happiness Is Health Is Happiness
I’ve been writing about happiness bringing good health so far. Let’s look at the other side of the coin. Being healthy makes you feel happy.
That’s right! Being healthy makes you happy AND being happy makes you healthy, as we’ve seen above.
I have many articles on my blog that discuss the effects that exercise and keeping fit have on your happiness level. You don’t have don’t have to become a fitness freak to get this bonus. Scientists who have studied the effect that exercise has on feelings of well being came up with this fact. If you are feeling low ten (yes, ten) minutes of exercise will change your mood. There is no need to kill yourself either. Brisk walking will do the trick.
It will also lower your cholesterol level, reduce emotional stress and improve your blood pressure. But let me add, although you need only light exercise to show big improvements in your life, the more you exercise the happier you will become.
What Should You Do?
Fitness and happiness obviously play a big part in what would be a perfect lifestyle. So start building them up until they are a part of your daily life. Become one of The Happy People! It’s FREE! Just follow this blog at:
And, PLEASE, share the ideas you find here with your friends. Be Happy!
Love, Wealth and Happiness,
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Meditation will make you better at multitasking.
When you multitask, you’re often running in so many different directions, it’s hard to do one thing well. Here’s how to multitask with a clear mind.If you need to do some serious multitasking, some training in meditation beforehand could make the work smoother and less stressful, new research from the University of Washington shows. And who wouldn’t want that?
Research suggests that meditation training can help people working with information stay on tasks longer with fewer distractions and also improves memory and reduces stress. Here’s how to quickly focus your mind on the one thing you really need or want to do:
Stop. As soon as you realize you are multitasking, stop. In other words, learn to interrupt the interruptions.
Clear. Now take a moment to untask. To untask, try something silly, you can do a little dance, jump up and down, sing a song, or even scream. The important thing is to get in the habit (as soon as you catch yourself multitasking) of giving yourself a complete mental pause. Think of this as pressing the reset button on your brain.
Choose. Now that you have untasked, ask yourself, “What do I really want to do (or have to do) right now?” You might need to wait a few seconds before getting an answer. Or you might find that the answer pops into your mind immediately. Now that you have cleared your mind of other…………….
Read the FULL great article at:
(I’ll bet you’re glad you didn’t have to type that URL out LOL)
Why not join The Happy People. It’s FREE! Just follow the blog at and help spread our message of Love, Wealth and Happiness. Share the posts there with your friends.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
How To Be Happy Helping Others!
Another Lesson In How To Be Happy
Most of you have felt happiness at times in your life. The Art of being one of The Happy People is to be happy more massively. You have to learn how to be happy on a massive scale. To really enjoy those great feelings more often, for longer periods of time and more powerfully than you have known before.
You are entitled to be happy. God, or nature if you prefer, made you that way. Your whole life should be devoted to feeling happiness as often and for as long as you can.
Are You Serious?
It wouldn’t be realistic to think that you could be totally happy for every moment of your life. That is not what I am saying.
Into everybody’s life a little rain must fall.
The rain will fall into my life, your life, everybody’s life. Believe me! I know! LOL
But what I am saying is that you must have the skill in you to enjoy every possible piece of happiness that you can, wherever you can and whenever you can.
I know that most of the people reading this have started following The Happy People advice here on this blog. If you aren’t, you should. It’s all free.
The Next Step
Anyhow, once you have started.Here is the next step. It is very important, very effective and very powerful. Start on this second step as soon as possible.
Happiness Is Sharing, Share your Happiness
You could say that happiness is like a candle. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. And the flame will stay as bright. You must use your happiness candle to light other people’s candles. Other people all have a candle. They just haven’t lit it yet.
Your candle of happiness must be shared. You must use it to light their candles and show them how to be happy. You must use it to help other depressed, dysfunctional or stressed out people. This has several great side effects. It makes the people you’re sharing with happy, it makes you even happier and it produces good Karma. It produces good Karma in two ways. You are being happy and that is what Nature designed you for. Above everything else yourpurpose in life is to be happy. When you are, Good Karma is flowing for you. You are sharing your gift with somebody who is probably a friend, spouse or relative close to your heart.
Just think about it for moment. When you share your joy in living with another person, you are doing something truly beautiful. You/we are making ripples in the pond of Life.
Who knows where those ripples will spread out to? Please help the ripples of happiness to spread. Please share this post and others on the blog with ALL your friends,
Love, Wealth and Happiness,
Burning candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Another Lesson In How To Be Happy
Most of you have felt happiness at times in your life. The Art of being one of The Happy People is to be happy more massively. You have to learn how to be happy on a massive scale. To really enjoy those great feelings more often, for longer periods of time and more powerfully than you have known before.
You are entitled to be happy. God, or nature if you prefer, made you that way. Your whole life should be devoted to feeling happiness as often and for as long as you can.
Are You Serious?
It wouldn’t be realistic to think that you could be totally happy for every moment of your life. That is not what I am saying.
Into everybody’s life a little rain must fall.
The rain will fall into my life, your life, everybody’s life. Believe me! I know! LOL
But what I am saying is that you must have the skill in you to enjoy every possible piece of happiness that you can, wherever you can and whenever you can.
I know that most of the people reading this have started following The Happy People advice here on this blog. If you aren’t, you should. It’s all free.
The Next Step
Anyhow, once you have started.Here is the next step. It is very important, very effective and very powerful. Start on this second step as soon as possible.
Happiness Is Sharing, Share your Happiness
You could say that happiness is like a candle. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. And the flame will stay as bright. You must use your happiness candle to light other people’s candles. Other people all have a candle. They just haven’t lit it yet.
Your candle of happiness must be shared. You must use it to light their candles and show them how to be happy. You must use it to help other depressed, dysfunctional or stressed out people. This has several great side effects. It makes the people you’re sharing with happy, it makes you even happier and it produces good Karma. It produces good Karma in two ways. You are being happy and that is what Nature designed you for. Above everything else your purpose in life is to be happy. When you are, Good Karma is flowing for you. You are sharing your gift with somebody who is probably a friend, spouse or relative close to your heart.
Just think about it for moment. When you share your joy in living with another person, you are doing something truly beautiful. You/we are making ripples in the pond of Life.
Who knows where those ripples will spread out to? Please help the ripples of happiness to spread. Please share this post and others on the blog with ALL your friends,
Love, Wealth and Happiness,
Sunday, 17 June 2012
The First Rung On The Happiness Ladder
Everybody wants to be happy. but not everybody knows how to do it. you will learn an excellent approach to being happy in this article.
The Approach Is Meditation
It has been shown by research and personal experience that a session of meditation will give you a slight euphoric (happy) feeling. This is having your feet on the first rung of the ladder of happiness. If you are feeling depressed, with the simple method of meditating, you have achieved two excellent results. You have halted a downbeat mood and started moving in the right direction. The more experienced you become at meditation, the more quickly you can do this. You will start experiencing this happy feeling quite quickly.
If you want to move up to a totally happy lifestyle, or if you are in a hurry you should add other happiness techniques into your plan. This blog has 300 articles that will tell you how to do this.
If You Are Seriously Unhappy?
Let’s suppose your happiness is being stopped by more serious problems. Perhaps you have harmful addictions, or serious depressions or long running anxieties.
Meditation will help you get back on the path to the full happy lifestyle that you should be having.
Good News For Meditators
A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (A top scientific journal) told of a study comparing a group being taught meditation with a group being taught relaxation techniques.
After a very short period of time, researchers discovered that changes were taking place in the brains of the meditation group. These changes were in the white matter associated with the ‘anterior cingulate cortex’. This is a part of the brain associated self-regulation. It is involved in certain mental issues such addiction and mental disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. The relaxation group did not show any changes.
Lots of other studies have been done that showed meditation appears to make changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. An amazing side note is how quickly these changes start working.
Lessons In How To Be Happy
The lesson being given by these scientists and all their research is that you must start meditating as soon as possible.
Another lesson is this: You must be meditating. Not relaxing. A lot of the meditation being taught locally is not true meditation. Sitting or lying down thinking about nice things, just relaxing, visualizing or thinking about things attached to some religion will not give you the best results. Meditating in these ways is good for you. If you are doing it this way carry on doing this. But: if you have any of the mental problems I talk about above, if you want to prevent them from happening to you, if you want to build a bigger, stronger, better brain box, a brain that will work for you instead of ruining your life, then you must look for true, powerful meditation.Let me finish by repeating that the proper type of meditation will build you a bigger, better brain, sound mental health and happy lifestyle. Start moving along the Happiness Highway, start meditating
Join The Happy People, it’s free. How? Just follow this blog. Love,Wealth and Happiness, Tommy
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Are You Ready For Happiness?
What is Happiness Like For You?
What is Happiness? A warm smile! An emoticon with a smile. For more emoticons in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Emoticons. 32px|alt=W3C|link=✓ The source code of this SVG is valid. Category:Valid SVG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are You Ready For Happiness?
How will you know when you are ready for happiness? Well I’m assuming that you have already decided on starting your journey to increasing your own personal happiness and you are now ready to begin working on yourself. You’ve decided that your life is not what you want it to be You want to be happier, to start being more successful in what you like doing, to get more of the good things in life. Things like love, good relationships, wealth. You must start moving forward on your journey.
How Did You Find This Happiness Blog?
Perhaps you read a book or heard something or even become one of TheHappy People. Whatever it was that got you started isn’t important. What is important is that you get started and keep making good progress. To do this you must know what to look for so that you know that you are making progress. I am going to tell you some signs to look for.
Happiness Progress Signals
Everybody is chasing different dreams. So they will get different signals about their progress. Keep this in mind as you read this. Use your imagination to fit the advice into your dream of what happiness is for you. In the beginning you will notice a change in yourself. You will start becoming more aware of how you feel. At first it may a feeling of pleasure when you are doing something. You say to yourself: “I feel good doing this.” You start being aware of how you feel at times, then at more times, then all the time. You realise that some things make you happy and other things make you unhappy. The next stage is that you start avoiding the things that make you unhappy. This awareness is hard for me to explain because it can happen in so many different ways. The next stage is that you stop doing all the silly, senseless, non-logical things that have been making you unhappy all your life. And replace them with things that bring you rewards, joy and pleasure. That sounds simple, doesn’t it? Almost too simple. Well that is how I am going to teach you. I’m going to keep it so simple that you can’t fail and will make steady progress. Small, easy, simple steps so that you never put a foot wrong. As you grow in your power and experience and confidence, you will naturally move onto bigger things. But in the beginning you must keep it simple. See the tips below at foot of article.
How Can You Do This?
How do you stop doing things that are messing your life up and start doing things that will give you everything that I want? The rich, rewarding, enjoyable life that some people are having but you’re not. Before going any further, just let me remind you that you are entitled to be having that good life. Your nervous system is designed to take you there. And when you get there, you will know. Your mind and body will tell you that, at last, you are living the right way. Your life will fill with laughter, love and achievement. You will draw good things into your life. You will be living the Law Of Attraction as set out on The Secret and other such works.
How Will My Happiness Grow?
Progress is different for everybody. I remember Mary who came to one of my group meetings and left 90 minutes later a completely changed person. So much so that when she got home, her family noticed. Mary was a perfect example of what a person can achieve. She came in with a glum expression and was complaining about being fed up and depressed about the life she was leading. Before the meeting was over she was laughing and smiling. She was joking with the other people and making them laugh. She continued in the same way and was the life and soul of all the meetings she came to. She was a perfect example of what YOU could achieve. Not everybody changes as quickly as Mary. I think that her lightning fast change came from the misery that she was experiencing in her life before coming to the meeting. She was desperate for change and what she heard did the trick for her.
How Quickly Could I Make Changes?
Other people make these important changes at different speeds. Some do it very quickly (but not as quickly as Mary did) others take a bit longer. I have realised that the stronger you want to change, the more depressed you are about your life, the quicker you will make the changes. Once you start, you quickly become aware that you are making changes that effect your life very strongly.
How To Notice The Happiness
Different people people have different understandings of happiness. And will notice the increase of it in different ways. Here are a few that you may notice: 1) You get up in a better mood. 2) You start looking forward to what you are going to do that day. 3) You laugh more. 4) Other people notice and say things like: “Nothing seems to bother you.” Or : “You seem happy today.” Etc. 5) Nothing seems to bother you. 6) You will move from self centred views to generosity of spirit. 7) Nothing will be too big for you to handle. 7) You will be able to meet and beat adversity I don’t want to go into this too much because everybody will have different experiences. This list is very general. You may become aware of some of the things on it, you may become aware of entirely different feelings. But, believe me, you will be well aware of the changes you are making. This awareness becomes a non-stop trickle of good feeling. And the trickle grows to become a powerful river flowing through every part of your life.
How Can I Make Happiness Grow Even Faster?
Like I said. Search Google for ‘Happiness’ to learn about the latest research by the Neuroscientist s! Search Amazon for the mountains of books by the traditional gurus and Neuroscientists, Psychotherapists and researchers. The best way, of course, is to join The Happy People (But I would say that, wouldn’t I?LOL). All that you need to do, to join, is to follow this blog. It’s free and you can get help when you run into problems on your climb to a bigger, better, more bountiful lifestyle..
Final Happiness Tips.
Keep it simple. Start with small, easy steps. Do not advise, lecture or nag other people about their unhappy behaviour. Remember the Tenth Ox Herding Meditation painting. You turn people on by your example. By your having a great life. Let them ask for advice. (For now, anyhow.)
FINAL, FINAL TIP (Please notice the capitals!)
The above advice is for YOU, yes YOU to make changes for and to YOURSELF, yes, YOURSELF. Do not try to change the world ! Not just yet anyhow. When there are more of us….. Then we will have some FUN. Believe me, that is a promise LOL
I said FINAL, FINAL TIP but I was only kidding. See you soon, Love , Wealthand Happiness, Tommy.
Are You Ready For Happiness?
What is Happiness Like For You?
What is Happiness? A warm smile! An emoticon with a smile. For more emoticons in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Emoticons. 32px|alt=W3C|link=✓ The source code of this SVG is valid. Category:Valid SVG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are You Ready For Happiness?
How will you know when you are ready for happiness? Well I’m assuming that you have already decided on starting your journey to increasing your own personal happiness and you are now ready to begin working on yourself. You’ve decided that your life is not what you want it to be You want to be happier, to start being more successful in what you like doing, to get more of the good things in life. Things like love, good relationships, wealth. You must start moving forward on your journey.
How Did You Find This Happiness Blog?
Perhaps you read a book or heard something or even become one of TheHappy People. Whatever it was that got you started isn’t important. What is important is that you get started and keep making good progress. To do this you must know what to look for so that you know that you are making progress. I am going to tell you some signs to look for.
Happiness Progress Signals
Everybody is chasing different dreams. So they will get different signals about their progress. Keep this in mind as you read this. Use your imagination to fit the advice into your dream of what happiness is for you. In the beginning you will notice a change in yourself. You will start becoming more aware of how you feel. At first it may a feeling of pleasure when you are doing something. You say to yourself: “I feel good doing this.” You start being aware of how you feel at times, then at more times, then all the time. You realise that some things make you happy and other things make you unhappy. The next stage is that you start avoiding the things that make you unhappy. This awareness is hard for me to explain because it can happen in so many different ways. The next stage is that you stop doing all the silly, senseless, non-logical things that have been making you unhappy all your life. And replace them with things that bring you rewards, joy and pleasure. That sounds simple, doesn’t it? Almost too simple. Well that is how I am going to teach you. I’m going to keep it so simple that you can’t fail and will make steady progress. Small, easy, simple steps so that you never put a foot wrong. As you grow in your power and experience and confidence, you will naturally move onto bigger things. But in the beginning you must keep it simple. See the tips below at foot of article.
How Can You Do This?
How do you stop doing things that are messing your life up and start doing things that will give you everything that I want? The rich, rewarding, enjoyable life that some people are having but you’re not. Before going any further, just let me remind you that you are entitled to be having that good life. Your nervous system is designed to take you there. And when you get there, you will know. Your mind and body will tell you that, at last, you are living the right way. Your life will fill with laughter, love and achievement. You will draw good things into your life. You will be living the Law Of Attraction as set out on The Secret and other such works.
How Will My Happiness Grow?
Progress is different for everybody. I remember Mary who came to one of my group meetings and left 90 minutes later a completely changed person. So much so that when she got home, her family noticed. Mary was a perfect example of what a person can achieve. She came in with a glum expression and was complaining about being fed up and depressed about the life she was leading. Before the meeting was over she was laughing and smiling. She was joking with the other people and making them laugh. She continued in the same way and was the life and soul of all the meetings she came to. She was a perfect example of what YOU could achieve. Not everybody changes as quickly as Mary. I think that her lightning fast change came from the misery that she was experiencing in her life before coming to the meeting. She was desperate for change and what she heard did the trick for her.
How Quickly Could I Make Changes?
Other people make these important changes at different speeds. Some do it very quickly (but not as quickly as Mary did) others take a bit longer. I have realised that the stronger you want to change, the more depressed you are about your life, the quicker you will make the changes. Once you start, you quickly become aware that you are making changes that effect your life very strongly.
How To Notice The Happiness
Different people people have different understandings of happiness. And will notice the increase of it in different ways. Here are a few that you may notice: 1) You get up in a better mood. 2) You start looking forward to what you are going to do that day. 3) You laugh more. 4) Other people notice and say things like: “Nothing seems to bother you.” Or : “You seem happy today.” Etc. 5) Nothing seems to bother you. 6) You will move from self centred views to generosity of spirit. 7) Nothing will be too big for you to handle. 7) You will be able to meet and beat adversity I don’t want to go into this too much because everybody will have different experiences. This list is very general. You may become aware of some of the things on it, you may become aware of entirely different feelings. But, believe me, you will be well aware of the changes you are making. This awareness becomes a non-stop trickle of good feeling. And the trickle grows to become a powerful river flowing through every part of your life.
How Can I Make Happiness Grow Even Faster?
Like I said. Search Google for ‘Happiness’ to learn about the latest research by the Neuroscientist s! Search Amazon for the mountains of books by the traditional gurus and Neuroscientists, Psychotherapists and researchers. The best way, of course, is to join The Happy People (But I would say that, wouldn’t I?LOL). All that you need to do, to join, is to follow this blog. It’s free and you can get help when you run into problems on your climb to a bigger, better, more bountiful lifestyle..
Final Happiness Tips.
Keep it simple. Start with small, easy steps. Do not advise, lecture or nag other people about their unhappy behaviour. Remember the Tenth Ox Herding Meditation painting. You turn people on by your example. By your having a great life. Let them ask for advice. (For now, anyhow.)
FINAL, FINAL TIP (Please notice the capitals!)
The above advice is for YOU, yes YOU to make changes for and to YOURSELF, yes, YOURSELF. Do not try to change the world ! Not just yet anyhow. When there are more of us….. Then we will have some FUN. Believe me, that is a promise LOL
I said FINAL, FINAL TIP but I was only kidding. See you soon, Love , Wealthand Happiness, Tommy.
June 12, 2012
Are You Ready For Happiness?
How will you know when you are ready for happiness? Well I’m assuming that you have already decided on starting your journey to increasing your own personal happiness and you are now ready to begin working on yourself. You’ve decided that your life is not what you want it to be You want to be happier, to start being more successful in what you like doing, to get more of the good things in life. Things like love, good relationships, wealth. You must start moving forward on your journey.
How Did You Find This Happiness Blog?
Perhaps you read a book or heard something or even become one of The Happy People. Whatever it was that got you started isn’t important. What is important is that you get started and keep making good progress. To do this you must know what to look for so that you know that you are making progress. I am going to tell you some signs to look for.
Happiness Progress Signals
Everybody is chasing different dreams. So they will get different signals about their progress. Keep this in mind as you read this. Use your imagination to fit the advice into your dream of what happiness is for you. In the beginning you will notice a change in yourself. You will start becoming more aware of how you feel. At first it may a feeling of pleasure when you are doing something. You say to yourself: “I feel good doing this.” You start being aware of how you feel at times, then at more times, then all the time. You realise that some things make you happy and other things make you unhappy. The next stage is that you start avoiding the things that make you unhappy. This awareness is hard for me to explain because it can happen in so many different ways. The next stage is that you stop doing all the silly, senseless, non-logical things that have been making you unhappy all your life. And replace them with things that bring you rewards, joy and pleasure. That sounds simple, doesn’t it? Almost too simple. Well that is how I am going to teach you. I’m going to keep it so simple that you can’t fail and will make steady progress. Small, easy, simple steps so that you never put a foot wrong. As you grow in your power and experience and confidence, you will naturally move onto bigger things. But in the beginning you must keep it simple. See the tips below at foot of article.
How Can You Do This?
How do you stop doing things that are messing your life up and start doing things that will give you everything that I want? The rich, rewarding, enjoyable life that some people are having but you’re not. Before going any further, just let me remind you that you are entitled to be having that good life. Your nervous system is designed to take you there. And when you get there, you will know. Your mind and body will tell you that, at last, you are living the right way. Your life will fill with laughter, love and achievement. You will draw good things into your life. You will be living the Law Of Attraction as set out on The Secret and other such works.
How Will My Happiness Grow?
Progress is different for everybody. I remember Mary who came to one of my group meetings and left 90 minutes later a completely changed person. So much so that when she got home, her family noticed. Mary was a perfect example of what a person can achieve. She came in with a glum expression and was complaining about being fed up and depressed about the life she was leading. Before the meeting was over she was laughing and smiling. She was joking with the other people and making them laugh. She continued in the same way and was the life and soul of all the meetings she came to. She was a perfect example of what YOU could achieve. Not everybody changes as quickly as Mary. I think that her lightning fast change came from the misery that she was experiencing in her life before coming to the meeting. She was desperate for change and what she heard did the trick for her.
How Quickly Could I Make Changes?
Other people make these important changes at different speeds. Some do it very quickly (but not as quickly as Mary did) others take a bit longer. I have realised that the stronger you want to change, the more depressed you are about your life, the quicker you will make the changes. Once you start, you quickly become aware that you are making changes that effect your life very strongly.
How To Notice The Happiness
Different people people have different understandings of happiness. And will notice the increase of it in different ways. Here are a few that you may notice: 1) You get up in a better mood. 2) You start looking forward to what you are going to do that day. 3) You laugh more. 4) Other people notice and say things like: “Nothing seems to bother you.” Or : “You seem happy today.” Etc. 5) Nothing seems to bother you. 6) You will move from self centred views to generosity of spirit. 7) Nothing will be too big for you to handle. 7) You will be able to meet and beat adversity I don’t want to go into this too much because everybody will have different experiences. This list is very general. You may become aware of some of the things on it, you may become aware of entirely different feelings. But, believe me, you will be well aware of the changes you are making. This awareness becomes a non-stop trickle of good feeling. And the trickle grows to become a powerful river flowing through every part of your life.
How Can I Make Happiness Grow Even Faster?
Like I said. Search Google for ‘Happiness’ to learn about the latest research by the Neuroscientist s! Search Amazon for the mountains of books by the traditional gurus and Neuroscientists, Psychotherapists and researchers. The best way, of course, is to join The Happy People (But I would say that, wouldn’t I?LOL). All that you need to do, to join, is to follow this blog. It’s free and you can get help when you run into problems on your climb to a bigger, better, more bountiful lifestyle..
Final Happiness Tips.
Keep it simple. Start with small, easy steps. Do not advise, lecture or nag other people about their unhappy behaviour. Remember the Tenth Ox Herding Meditation painting. You turn people on by your example. By your having a great life. Let them ask for advice. (For now, anyhow.)
FINAL, FINAL TIP (Please notice the capitals!)
The above advice is for YOU, yes YOU to make changes for and to YOURSELF, yes, YOURSELF. Do not try to change the world ! Not just yet anyhow. When there are more of us….. Then we will have some FUN. Believe me, that is a promise LOL
I said FINAL, FINAL TIP but I was only kidding. See you soon, Love , Wealth and Happiness, Tommy.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Do You Want A Healthier Mind And Body?
Of course you do! Everybody does!
Let me tell you about some researchthatrain botht will encourage you. You will learn how to your mind and body at the same time.
Footballers are not known for being particularly clever. But according to Plos One journal, their brains function at a higher level than the rest of us.
Higher Performance In What Way?
1) They learn how see a problem coming from nowhere.
2) To fully understand that problem.
3) To create a solution at lightening speed.
4) To carry out that solution at lightning speed.
The Test
Scientists tested the mental abilities of 60 top footballers, male and female, and compared them with the mental abilities of non-footballers and players from lower leagues. The tests included the mental abilities to be immediately creative, see new solutions and quickly change tactics.
The Results
The non-footballers scored lowest. The lower league players came next. The top footballers scored highest. A point to note is that they scored a lot higher than the low league players. Here we have a strong mind and body effect.
Why Is That?
a) The intense training and fierce competition. The speed of top level football caused a stronger flow of blood, rich with nutrients to the brain. And, of course, the better the fuel, the better the performance.
b) They were in the the top league because they already had the mental abilities mentioned above.
c) Training with and playing against other top leaguers sharpened up their mental abilities even more.
What Does This Mean For You?
Well if you would like your mind and body to operate at higher levels, if you would like to
improve your skills at 1), 2), 3) and 4) above, it means a lot.
If you are a physical type, get involved in a competitive sport. Probably the best would be a martial art such as boxing, wrestling or karate. If they are too physical, try lawn tennis or table tennis. If they are too competitive, try chess or draughts (checkers U.S) but you must work against a strict time regulation between moves.
Putting It In A Nutshell
The vital elements here are:
Physical movement.
As many body parts involved as possible.
Fast moving.
Quick problems.
Quick analysis
Quick reactions
Just try to involve as many of these elements as possible. You don’t have to do them all. For instance, perhaps your exercise programme is not competitive? Perhaps you are just not physical at all? Playing chess will do the trick. But it will probably build up slightly different parts of the brain. Just make sure to involve the timer. The more pressure you put on your mind or body, the stronger they grow.
Start a program based on the above as soon as possible. Join The Happy People. We believe in total mind and body health and training. Become the happiest, fittest, cleverest person around. LOL.
Share this post with your friends, make them them happy, fit and clever, too. More LOL! Why not visit our magazine at
Love, Wealth and Happiness, Tommy
Do You Want A Healthier Mind And Body?
Of course you do! Everybody does!
Let me tell you about some research that will encourage you. You will learn how to train both your mind and body at the same time.
Footballers are not known for being particularly clever. But according to Plos One journal, their brains function at a higher level than the rest of us.
Higher Performance In What Way?
1) They learn how see a problem coming from nowhere.
2) To fully understand that problem.
3) To create a solution at lightening speed.
4) To carry out that solution at lightning speed.
The Test
Scientists tested the mental abilities of 60 top footballers, male and female, and compared them with the mental abilities of non-footballers and players from lower leagues. The tests included the mental abilities to be immediately creative, see new solutions and quickly change tactics.
The Results
The non-footballers scored lowest. The lower league players came next. The top footballers scored highest. A point to note is that they scored a lot higher than the low league players. Here we have a strong mind and body effect.
Why Is That?
a) The intense training and fierce competition. The speed of top level football caused a stronger flow of blood, rich with nutrients to the brain. And, of course, the better the fuel, the better the performance.
b) They were in the the top league because they already had the mental abilities mentioned above.
c) Training with and playing against other top leaguers sharpened up their mental abilities even more.
What Does This Mean For You?
Well if you would like your mind and body to operate at higher levels, if you would like to
improve your skills at 1), 2), 3) and 4) above, it means a lot.
If you are a physical type, get involved in a competitive sport. Probably the best would be a martial art such as boxing, wrestling or karate. If they are too physical, try lawn tennis or table tennis. If they are too competitive, try chess or draughts (checkers U.S) but you must work against a strict time regulation between moves.
Putting It In A Nutshell
The vital elements here are:
Physical movement.
As many body parts involved as possible.
Fast moving.
Quick problems.
Quick analysis
Quick reactions
Just try to involve as many of these elements as possible. You don’t have to do them all. For instance, perhaps your exercise programme is not competitive? Perhaps you are just not physical at all? Playing chess will do the trick. But it will probably build up slightly different parts of the brain. Just make sure to involve the timer. The more pressure you put on your mind or body, the stronger they grow.
Start a program based on the above as soon as possible. Join The Happy People. We believe in total mind and body health and training. Become the happiest, fittest, cleverest person around. LOL.
Share this post with your friends, make them them happy, fit and clever, too. More LOL! Why not visit our magazine at
Love, Wealth and Happiness, Tommy
Sunday, 3 June 2012
What is Happiness?
You SHOULD Be Happy!
You want to learn what happiness is and of course, how to be happier. Everybody does. Let’s start with the most important thing that I can tell you. You should have a life that is full of love, wealth and happiness.Your body thrives when you do. It’s your basic reason for living. But it isn’t happening for you, is it? But that is going to change, believe me! Let’s look at why. it’s not happening. Here are the main reasons:
The First Reason That You Are Unhappy
1) You do not believe that you should be happy.You have been brainwashed as a child. The people, who surrounded you from early childhood, didn’t tell you that you should be happy. They were too busy telling you that you couldn’t have everything a young child wants. Quite rightly so. As a child you shouldn’t be given so many sweets that you are ill. LOL.And you must behave yourself and not do everything you want to.
They didn’t teach you that your body is designed to be happy. When you are, your body starts to release all sorts of chemicals into your bloodstream. These chemicals make you feel good, you will have a big improvements in your mental and physical health and, if you do get ill, anxious or stressed out, you will recover more quickly.
Be Good To Yourself, Get Happy
The most important lesson you should have learned from those people is that, as you grow up, your main duty in life is to be happy as much and as often as you can! You forget about the sweets and toys and start concentrating on Love, Wealth and Happiness.
Now I know what you are thinking. This is nonsense. Nobody could have that type of life. And you are right. Bad things happen to everybody: Rejection, failure, stress, bereavements and illness. A lot of bad things can be summed up as a lot of other bad peopleLOL.
These bad things can put you on a downer and if a few happen together you can hit a patch of depression. This is normal. The problem is that you have been brought up to think that those sort of things can’t be changed. That you must just suffer them.
And that is wrong! They ARE a normal part of life. But you do NOT have to just suffer them. That is the old lifestyle and you are going to change all of that. You are going to learn how to have a perfect lifestyle.
When you hit a bad down turn, you must know that it is not where you should be. And you must get back to a perfect lifestyle as quickly as possible.
That is what those people have been telling you.
The Second Reason That You Are Unhappy
In short, it is because you don’t know HOW to make the changes . The changes that will make a difference in your life. Those differences that you need and want and should have. A Depressing Story (But A Happy Ending)
I was running a group and was trying to establish a baseline for happiness. I asked the group to remember the last time that they were happy.One lady (aged 43) started crying. She told the group that the last time had been when she was 8 years old and she had won a prize in school. She later told us about when her and her sister would be in bed and making too much noise laughing and playing. Her mother would come upstairs and warn them that:
‘Laughter at night would mean tears in the morning.’The next day everything that went wrong was blamed on the two children laughing the night before.
What a lesson to give kids!
Anyhow, she came to my groups for a long time and she completely changed her life around. She set out her dream, she worked on it and she lives it.
And you will change your life around. You will learn how to move your life up to a higher level. It’s your right as a human being. You’re entitled to it. And I am going to make sure that you get it. Start looking forward to lots of fulfilment, friends and fun. They should be yours, they could be yours and they will be yours.
How Quickly Can I Start?
RIGHT NOW! LOL! You’re sitting at your computer reading this, right? Start Googling Happiness. Google what comes up. Learn all about it. About how to get rid of negative emotions. About changing your life. About enjoying your life to the full. Become an expert.
Study this blog. Join The Happy People,it won’t cost you a penny. Visit our magazine at
Soon. Love, Wealth and Happiness,
What is Happiness?
You SHOULD Be Happy!
You want to learn what happiness is and of course, how to be happier. Everybody does. Let’s start with the most important thing that I can tell you. You should have a life that is full of love, wealth and happiness.Your body thrives when you do. It’s your basic reason for living. But it isn’t happening for you, is it? But that is going to change, believe me! Let’s look at why. it’s not happening. Here are the main reasons:
The First Reason That You Are Unhappy
1) You do not believe that you should be happy.You have been brainwashed as a child. The people, who surrounded you from early childhood, didn’t tell you that you should be happy. They were too busy telling you that you couldn’t have everything a young child wants. Quite rightly so. As a child you shouldn’t be given so many sweets that you are ill. LOL.And you must behave yourself and not do everything you want to.
They didn’t teach you that your body is designed to be happy. When you are, your body starts to release all sorts of chemicals into your bloodstream. These chemicals make you feel good, you will have a big improvements in your mental and physical health and, if you do get ill, anxious or stressed out, you will recover more quickly.
Be Good To Yourself, Get Happy
The most important lesson you should have learned from those people is that, as you grow up, your main duty in life is to be happy as much and as often as you can! You forget about the sweets and toys and start concentrating on Love, Wealth and Happiness.
Now I know what you are thinking. This is nonsense. Nobody could have that type of life. And you are right. Bad things happen to everybody: Rejection, failure, stress, bereavements and illness. A lot of bad things can be summed up as a lot of other bad peopleLOL.
These bad things can put you on a downer and if a few happen together you can hit a patch of depression. This is normal. The problem is that you have been brought up to think that those sort of things can’t be changed. That you must just suffer them.
And that is wrong! They ARE a normal part of life. But you do NOT have to just suffer them. That is the old lifestyle and you are going to change all of that. You are going to learn how to have a perfect lifestyle.
When you hit a bad down turn, you must know that it is not where you should be. And you must get back to a perfect lifestyle as quickly as possible.
That is what those people have been telling you.
The Second Reason That You Are Unhappy
In short, it is because you don’t know HOW to make the changes . The changes that will make a difference in your life. Those differences that you need and want and should have. A Depressing Story (But A Happy Ending)
I was running a group and was trying to establish a baseline for happiness. I asked the group to remember the last time that they were happy.One lady (aged 43) started crying. She told the group that the last time had been when she was 8 years old and she had won a prize in school. She later told us about when her and her sister would be in bed and making too much noise laughing and playing. Her mother would come upstairs and warn them that:
‘Laughter at night would mean tears in the morning.’The next day everything that went wrong was blamed on the two children laughing the night before.
What a lesson to give kids!
Anyhow, she came to my groups for a long time and she completely changed her life around. She set out her dream, she worked on it and she lives it.
And you will change your life around. You will learn how to move your life up to a higher level. It’s your right as a human being. You’re entitled to it. And I am going to make sure that you get it. Start looking forward to lots of fulfilment, friends and fun. They should be yours, they could be yours and they will be yours.
How Quickly Can I Start?
RIGHT NOW! LOL! You’re sitting at your computer reading this, right? Start Googling Happiness. Google what comes up. Learn all about it. About how to get rid of negative emotions. About changing your life. About enjoying your life to the full. Become an expert.
Study this blog. Join The Happy People,it won’t cost you a penny. Visit our magazine at
Soon. Love, Wealth and Happiness,
You SHOULD Be Happy!
You want to learn what happiness is and of course, how to be happier. Everybody does. Let’s start with the most important thing that I can tell you. You should have a life that is full of love, wealth and happiness.Your body thrives when you do. It’s your basic reason for living. But it isn’t happening for you, is it? But that is going to change, believe me! Let’s look at why. it’s not happening. Here are the main reasons:
The First Reason That You Are Unhappy
1) You do not believe that you should be happy.You have been brainwashed as a child. The people, who surrounded you from early childhood, didn’t tell you that you should be happy. They were too busy telling you that you couldn’t have everything a young child wants. Quite rightly so. As a child you shouldn’t be given so many sweets that you are ill. LOL.And you must behave yourself and not do everything you want to.
They didn’t teach you that your body is designed to be happy. When you are, your body starts to release all sorts of chemicals into your bloodstream. These chemicals make you feel good, you will have a big improvements in your mental and physical health and, if you do get ill, anxious or stressed out, you will recover more quickly.
Be Good To Yourself, Get Happy
The most important lesson you should have learned from those people is that, as you grow up, your main duty in life is to be happy as much and as often as you can! You forget about the sweets and toys and start concentrating on Love, Wealth and Happiness.
Now I know what you are thinking. This is nonsense. Nobody could have that type of life. And you are right. Bad things happen to everybody: Rejection, failure, stress, bereavements and illness. A lot of bad things can be summed up as a lot of other bad people LOL.
These bad things can put you on a downer and if a few happen together you can hit a patch of depression. This is normal. The problem is that you have been brought up to think that those sort of things can’t be changed. That you must just suffer them.
And that is wrong! They ARE a normal part of life. But you do NOT have to just suffer them. That is the old lifestyle and you are going to change all of that. You are going to learn how to have a perfect lifestyle.
When you hit a bad down turn, you must know that it is not where you should be. And you must get back to a perfect lifestyle as quickly as possible.
That is what those people have been telling you.
The Second Reason That You Are Unhappy
In short, it is because you don’t know HOW to make the changes . The changes that will make a difference in your life. Those differences that you need and want and should have. A Depressing Story (But A Happy Ending)
I was running a group and was trying to establish a baseline for happiness. I asked the group to remember the last time that they were happy.One lady (aged 43) started crying. She told the group that the last time had been when she was 8 years old and she had won a prize in school. She later told us about when her and her sister would be in bed and making too much noise laughing and playing. Her mother would come upstairs and warn them that:
‘Laughter at night would mean tears in the morning.’The next day everything that went wrong was blamed on the two children laughing the night before.
What a lesson to give kids!
Anyhow, she came to my groups for a long time and she completely changed her life around. She set out her dream, she worked on it and she lives it.
And you will change your life around. You will learn how to move your life up to a higher level. It’s your right as a human being. You’re entitled to it. And I am going to make sure that you get it. Start looking forward to lots of fulfilment, friends and fun. They should be yours, they could be yours and they will be yours.
How Quickly Can I Start?
RIGHT NOW! LOL! You’re sitting at your computer reading this, right? Start Googling Happiness. Google what comes up. Learn all about it. About how to get rid of negative emotions. About changing your life. About enjoying your life to the full. Become an expert.
Study this blog. Join The Happy People,it won’t cost you a penny. Visit our magazine at
Soon. Love, Wealth and Happiness,