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Friday, 24 February 2012

What means more happiness for you? Being in a hot relationship or being a sexy single?

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Karma Mentioned InThe Bible!
In the Holy Bible it is written, ‘As ye sow, so shall ye reap.’ This is further evidence that the Law Of Karma is understood by most religions. It is the Law that states that if I cause pain to others, I will be repaid by suffering pain, unhappiness and bad fortune at some time in my future. If I show kindness

Monday, 20 February 2012

Happiness Now Bigger Than Sex!
If you don’t believe me, read this article:
Join The Happy People at Love,Peace and Happiness, Tommy

Sunday, 19 February 2012

A Story Of Love, Riches And Happiness!
Here is a true story of Love, Riches and Happiness. And real people.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Concentrate On Keeping Your Karma Clear!
The Problem.
Lots of people lead lives with very little happiness in them. Their lives are a long downbeat chain of one problem after another. No sooner is one problem over than another takes it ‘s place. Some people are so ‘clever’ at it that they can keep many problems running at the same time. Perhaps you are one of these people. If so, don’t worry. It can happen to anybody.
How it Happens.
Here are the Five Stages:
1) A bad event happens in your life. Sometimes it just arises from nowhere. Sometimes somebody does something to you. Sometimes you do something foolish your self.
2) You start getting bad emotional feelings about it. These feelings produce all the bad hormones that cause you the mental problems of stress, anxiety and depression. Because this is not the right state of mind to be in, you get deeper into negative thinking, bad thoughts about people and acting badly.
3) When you allow bitterness, depression or hatred to take control of your thoughts you are building up bad Karma.
4) At some time in the future, you will have to repay that negative Karma.
5) No sooner does the original, first bad event come to an end but the bad Karma you’ve built up will cause something else bad to happen to you. Remember bad Karma is a bill that must be paid. Somewhere, sometime that bad Karma will catch up with you and you have to pay. And now you are caught up in a vicious loop. Bad event leads to bad Karma which causes another bad event to happen. And on and 0n it can go. Some people will never be able to break out of the loop and start afresh.
But that won’t happen to you because I am going to tell you how to break out of this loop of bad behaviour.
How To Stop It Happening.
You stop it in four stages:
1) The first stage is to set your mental attitude to the problem. Some people get on the bus to bitterness but don’t bother to get off. But don’t let that be you .When a bad event happens in your life you must realise that the event has no emotional burden that you have to take on or to hold onto. The event has happened and the only important thing is what you take away from it with you into the future. You have to learn how to let go of any negative emotions. Get off that bus and leave all negative emotions on it. Bad events happen to everybody and you must be able to handle yours in a way that is good for you. This may seem hard to do. But believe me, once you start doing it, it becomes easier and easier and easier.
2) Meditate. This will be the best way to help you to get to stage one. It will get rid of all negative thoughts. As the negative emotions, thoughts and actions fade away, you will start you producing the hormones that make you carefree, relaxed and happy.
3) When you are feeling carefree, relaxed and happy, you will be amazed by how different your life will be. You will find that those bad events and happenings that gave you so many problems before no longer bother you so much. You will quickly forget them and move on.
4) Your negative reactions having been producing bad Karma. Your meditation will replace these with a relaxed, happy emotion. This effect will help you to shrug of bad events before they start to control your mind.
The Result
You now have a POSITIVE loop to beat that original negative loop. Meditation leads to a positive, relaxed, happy energy field. This enables you to handle bad happenings and stops you attaching negative emotions to them. Once it does that it goes back to producing that positive, relaxed, happy energy field. You are now fully prepared to enjoy life to the full and at the same time, be ready to handle any new problems that come up. And, most important of all, you are building up a clear, strong calming flow of good Karma!
Join The Happy People at Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Don’t Waste Time!
Don’t waste your time hoping that things will somehow get easier, train yourself to be able to sort them out with greater ease. Don’t waste your times hoping that your problems will go away, train yourself to handle them with greater skill. Train to be one of The Happy People. More at

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Do You Want A Quick Increase In Karma?
(More good stuff at
More Karma?
I’m talking about the good kind of course! Who wants an increase in bad Karma? Not me! And I’m sure you don’t? LOL. If, like me, you want a constant flow of good things in your life, if you want more happiness, more success and more love in your life, if you want to get rid of any bad Karma that is causing you problems, then carry on reading.
How To Do It
It’s very simple and it is one of the things that I advise for The Happy People. I usually advise them to do ‘one good act every day’. This is a quick and easy way to start to get rid of bad and start a flow of good Karma. You approach this in a few different ways. As you move through the day, you can look for people who may be having trouble and offer your help. You can can help somebody you know is having a problem. If all else fails buy a box of chocolate and give one to everybody you meet! This one can be a a lot of fun. Particularly when you tell them you like to ‘help’ people. As I said above, it is very simple. It sounds too simple to work, but it will. Believe me.
Here Is A Free Bonus
You will start to feel happier in yourself. This works at two levels. You get a flow of ‘feel-good hormones and feel happy. Also the person you are helping usually shows some form of appreciation. This gives you another flush of those ‘feel-good’ hormones and that means an even happier you. Not only will you feel hap.pier but most probably the person you help will be happier. Happiness rules.
The Big Picture
Just look at the many results you are getting here. Talk about multi-tasking, this single exercise is making you happy (and somebody else). Keeping doing ‘an act of kindness’ every day will increase the amount of happiness in your life. When you are happy, you bring happiness to the people you mix with and your family and your friends.
The Result
This increase in happiness has a knock on effect. You start to lead a better life. You help other people, you get rid of negative emotions like envy, greed and hatred. You live a good life and you behave in a good way.
Does that last paragraph sound familiar to you? It should do because that is the best way to pay off any debt of bad Karma and start a wave of good Karma that will wash through the rest of your life. With constant use you are making sure that you start your next life surfing on the crest of a giant wave of good Karma.
Is that what you want? The rest of your life to be better than your past life? Your next incarnation to be better than this life? Of course you do. Get started as soon as you can. Get out and do somebody a good turn, NOW!
Even More
Scientists have been studying the affect of ‘doing a good act every day’ and they found that it does work to make people feel happier. While experimenting on the idea, they found out that if you lumped it up, it worked even better. If you did ‘three acts of help’ every third day, it had a stronger affect than doing one eScientists have been studying the affect of ‘doing a good act every day’ and they found that it does work to make people feel happier. While experimenting on the idea, they found out that if you lumped it up, it worked even better. If you did ‘three acts of help’ every third day, it had a stronger affect than doing one every day. So, using this new method you can change your Karma and your life even quicker than you could before. I’m working on this revised method already. Love, peace and Happiness, Tommy. Let's build Health, Love Happiness for ourselves our families and friends Sound GOOD It will be

Monday, 13 February 2012

Get Control Of Your Happiness!
Can You Control It?
After much research the neuroscientists have come up with the following findings. Your genes control control 50% of your happiness. Another 10 % arises from fixed items in your life and general circumstances. These are where you live, your income, job and your possessions including your home, car, clothing, etc.
So far, so good, but, here is the important part. The other 40% comes from how you choose to behave and the choices you make. In other words a huge chunk of your happiness is controlled by YOU. You decide how happy you are going to be. Your beliefs, your thoughts and your behaviour control just how happy you are, how long your happiness will last and exactly when it will come to an end.
Why Don’t You Use That Control?
Let me explain. Here are some very common attitudes that I find people have about happiness:
Nothing good ever happens to me.
You can’t be happy all the time.
You can’t control happiness. It just comes and goes.
I’m happy enough.
With beliefs like those, it seems as if there is no point in trying to increase the happiness in your life. But those beliefs are WRONG.
I have always known that you can completely change your life around. You can start enjoying life fully and stop stress, depression and unhappiness ruining your life. These latest research findings show that you do have control over your happiness.
Is It Easy?
And there is one thing that you know about control. If you use it you get better at it. Your skill at using it becomes faster, better, stronger.
When you are learning to drive, you feel you will never do it. There are a lot of things to attend to. Accelerator, brake and clutch control. Steering. Watching the road ahead. Using the sat-nav for where you want to go. After training the whole thing becomes effortless. You do it so easily.
It’s the same with happiness. You use your mental clutch to shift into your happiness drive and your mental accelerator to start moving faster. You watch the road ahead and steer around any bumps of unhappiness. And you use your mental sat-nav to always keep moving towards you where you want to go, happiness. At first it seems impossible. As you keep learning more about what you are supposed to be doing, it becomes easier and easier. Eventually it becomes effortless
Do You Want To Know More?
If you want to learn more, pay a visit to
You can comment, ask a question or air your views. Click on ‘Like’ at the top of the page first, then start writing. I’d love to hear from you.
Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Karma Can Cause Depression! Lots of people are leading miserable lives because of bad Karma. I want to give people an insight into what is a growing problem. Every report that comes out says that more and more people are complaining of anxiety and depression. In this article I just want to point out what may be the root cause of a lot of the problems. So I’m going to, very deliberately, keep it very simple.
Being miserable, depressed and unhappy causes bad Karma for you. You go into a spiral where your bad feelings start a chain which is hard to break out of. You must realise that the miserable life you are living now will bring even more miserableness into your life in your immediate future. This low level of living will continue working to bring about even more unhappiness. Your natural state is to be happy. Your health and mental state are heavily controlled by how happy you are. You are meant, by your very nature, to be happy, you should be happy and you must be happy. Otherwise you are living an unnatural life that will build up a lot of bad Karma. If you don’t do something about it you are condemning yourself to a lifetime of misery. And, even worse, when you are re-incarnated in your next life, you will start off with a lot of bad Karma to work your way through.
This is why it is so hard to treat depression. Not many people, and this includes Doctors and Psychiatrists, fully understand the Karmic part of the problem. This is your life, the nature of your life and the quality of your life that we are talking about here. And your next life. Just think about that. Starting your next life with a load of bad Karmic to pay back.
It is up to you, yes YOU to do something about it now. Change yourself, change your life, change your Karma. Get rid of your negative emotions. Replace them with Love, Inner Peace and Happiness. Start living right and pile up lots and lots of GOOD KARMA.
If you like this article, or would like to comment, question it or give your views, please go to Click on the like button next to Karma at the top and start writing.
I’d like to hear from you. Love,Peace and Happiness, Tommy

Friday, 10 February 2012

How To Be Happy, Healthy ( And Friendlier! )
“Smile and the whole world smiles with you” is an old saying. Ron Gutman has written a book about all the research that has been done about this human behaviour. When you watch this free video and buy his book, you will have a powerful, easy to use tool to enable you to make big changes in your life.
Join The Happy People at Love,Peace and Happiness, Tommy

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Nearly Nude Ninja Meditates In The Snow!
Self-styled Norwich Ninja takes to the snow to meditate in just a pair of pants
Article about the power of meditation. Read more at:
Smile, Be Happy, You’ll Live Longer!
An amazing new research took a look at photographs of 230 baseball players from 1952. These were on Collectors Cards of baseball players. The findings were that the span of a player’s smile could actually predict the span of his life. Players who didn’t smile in their pictures lived an average of only 72.9 years, players with partial smiles lived for an average of 75 years, and players with big, beaming smiles lived an average of 79.9 years. This my just be a reflection that happy people smile more and live longer. But why take chance? The next time a photographer tells you to smile, show every tooth you’ve got. What have you got to lose?
The Happy People smile more! Why not join them? It’s free! At Love, Peace and Happiness,, Tommy
How To Feel Happy? Here is a list of things that give people a happy feeling. I have written about some of them before. Just to remind you, I am making a long list but will break it down. See how many of them you can ‘get involved’ in today and every day. One way to feel happy is to make somebody else feel happy. So use the list for doing things to others to make them feel happy and enjoy the glow you produce. The items on this list will work but not every one will be good for you. Pick your good ones and hammer them!
1) Finding money in an old pair of Jeans. Check them before you wash them or throw them out.
2) Going on holiday, or a mini-break or even a full day out. Take lots of photos.
3) Getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets. Even better if you’ve got somebody to share the feeling with.
4) A dip in the sea. Particularly on holiday.
5) Waking up to a sunny day.
6) Sitting in a sunny spot.
7) Somebody giving you a box of chocolate.
8) Getting a nice text from somebody close to you.
9) Hugging
10) Driving with the windows wound down on a warm, sunny day.
That’s enough for now. Get stuck in to them. Use your imagination. Go back in your memory to when they happened to you in the past. Think about how you felt. That warm glow you’re feeling is happiness. Learn the feeling. On an other occasion you may feel it again and not know what is causing it. Stop for a moment and think about what could be causing it. Become thoroughly aware of things that make you feel happy. Become an expert. Soon you;ll be able to change any mood into a happy mood. And that is what you want. Control of your moods. The ability to produce a happy mood at anytime. Look forward to when you can possibly try this control.
Use your new skills on other people.
For 1) Plant some money and tell them: “Hey there’s some money in this pocket.” Share your happy feelings.
If you’re having a coffee with a neighbour say: ” Let’s sit out side in the sun.”
Enjoy them. Do them to other people. You’re supposed to be one of The Happy People. Make happiness happen for yourself then spread it! Spread it thick!
Join The Happy People at Love, Peace and Happiness,